Josh O’Connor, renowned for his portrayal of a young Prince Charles in the hit Netflix series “The Crown,” recently shared his complex feelings about the fame and recognition that followed his remarkable two-season journey on the show. In a candid interview with GQ, O’Connor delved into the impact of sudden stardom and how it influenced his perspective on his career.
For O’Connor, the experience of playing Prince Charles in the third and fourth seasons of “The Crown” was both a blessing and a burden. While he acknowledged the desire to be part of successful and widely seen projects, he candidly expressed the challenges that came with a loss of anonymity. The actor revealed that the recognition he received during this period was more impactful than he had anticipated.
“It was a fucked-up time,” O’Connor admitted. He described the profound impact of people recognizing him on the streets and the unique challenges that came with it. The transition from relative anonymity to a well-known figure was not without its difficulties.
Before his iconic role in “The Crown,” O’Connor had been pursuing a career in acting on his own terms, focusing on projects that resonated with him artistically. The sudden fame brought by the series was a stark departure from his previous trajectory, and he expressed a desire to continue the kind of work he had been doing before the show.
O’Connor first stepped into the shoes of Prince Charles in the third season of “The Crown” and continued his portrayal into the fourth season, alongside Emma Corrin‘s Princess Diana. His exceptional performance earned him widespread acclaim, including an Emmy and a Golden Globe for his role in the fourth season. Additionally, he received two BAFTA nominations, one for each season.
Reflecting on his experience after winning an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, O’Connor acknowledged the impact of “The Crown” on his life. He mentioned that the show had consumed a significant portion of his life, both in the making of it and in discussing it with fans and the media. While grateful for the success and recognition, he also expressed the desire to explore other creative opportunities and continue growing as an actor.
Looking ahead, Josh O’Connor’s career is set to take an exciting turn as he stars alongside Zendaya and Mike Faist in Luca Guadagnino’s sports dramedy, “Challengers,” scheduled for release on April 26, 2024. With this new project on the horizon, O’Connor is poised to continue his journey as an actor, embracing fresh challenges and artistic opportunities beyond the realm of “The Crown.”
In this candid interview, Josh O’Connor’s reflections on fame and his commitment to his craft offer a glimpse into the complexities of navigating success in the world of entertainment. His honesty about the impact of “The Crown” on his life adds depth to his journey as an actor, making him an artist who values artistic integrity and growth above all else.