Pixar‘s latest animated film, “Elemental,” has surpassed the $400 million mark at the global box office, making it the first Hollywood animated movie based on original IP to achieve this milestone since before the pandemic. Despite a slow start, the movie has made an impressive comeback, becoming one of the best-performing films for the renowned animation studio.
As of Tuesday, “Elemental” has earned $146.2 million domestically and $257.5 million overseas, bringing its worldwide total to $403.7 million. While this figure may be lower than some of Pixar’s previous releases, it still puts “Elemental” ahead of last year’s “Lightyear,” which struggled to reach $218.8 million globally. Considering its reported production cost of $200 million before marketing expenses, “Elemental” is now expected to be a commercially viable project, avoiding the fate of being a major theatrical money loser.
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At the beginning of its release, “Elemental” faced challenges, opening to a disappointing $29.6 million over the June 16-18 weekend, marking the worst three-day start for Pixar since the release of “Toy Story” in 1995. However, the film’s fortunes began to change as it held strong week after week, displaying one of the best multiples ever seen for a Pixar title at the North American box office.
Internationally, “Elemental” has been performing well, particularly in South Korea, where it has become a juggernaut. The film has grossed an impressive $44.8 million in the country and is expected to reach 6 million admissions by Thursday. This remarkable feat means that one out of every eight people in South Korea has bought tickets to watch “Elemental.” The film also achieved significant milestones in the South Korean market, including becoming the third-highest-grossing animated film of all time, trailing only behind Walt Disney Animation‘s two “Frozen” movies.
In Japan, the film’s final major market, “Elemental” is set to open on Friday, adding to its already impressive global box office performance.
“Elemental” has proven to be a success story for Pixar, defying its slow start and winning over audiences both domestically and internationally. With its compelling story about immigration and finding common ground, the film has resonated with viewers and reinvigorated interest in original animated IP. As the first major Hollywood animated movie to cross $400 million since the pre-pandemic era, “Elemental” stands as a testament to the enduring appeal and power of Pixar’s storytelling and animation prowess.
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