The entertainment world was set abuzz when Keke Palmer and Usher‘s viral Las Vegas dance video took the internet by storm. Now, the dynamic duo is adding fuel to the fire with a brand new music video for Usher’s track “Boyfriend,” which not only showcases their chemistry but also pokes fun at recent drama.
The video, premiered on Usher’s official YouTube account, kicks off with Keke Palmer getting ready for a girls’ night out in a Las Vegas casino. As she descends in an elevator, she grooves to Usher’s 2001 classic “U Remind Me,” capturing the spirit of a Vegas adventure. A chance encounter with Usher himself in the lobby ignites the playful narrative.
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With Usher’s suave charm and Palmer’s infectious energy, the pair takes center stage, donning matching outfits and showcasing synchronized dance moves across the casino floor. The video encapsulates the essence of a Vegas night, with vibrant lights, glitzy attire, and a pulsating rhythm that perfectly complements the song’s vibe.
In “Boyfriend,” Usher croons, “Somebody said that your boyfriend’s lookin’ for me / Well, he should know I’m pretty easy to find / Just look for me wherever he sees you.” The lyrics take a light-hearted approach to the theme, adding to the playful atmosphere of the video.
As the video nears its conclusion, the narrative takes a twist as Palmer wakes up in her hotel room, realizing that the entire escapade was nothing but a dream. With a wink at the camera, she delivers the memorable line, “I am a mother, after all.” This witty touch not only addresses recent events but also showcases Palmer’s ability to use humor to navigate public scrutiny.
In a social media post promoting the video, Palmer expressed her admiration for Usher’s artistry and influence on her own career. She reminisced about auditioning for “In The Mix” at the age of 12 and commended Usher’s ongoing impact on the entertainment industry. Palmer’s heartfelt message also highlighted Usher’s role as an inspiration and mentor, making the collaboration even more meaningful.
This music video marks Palmer’s first direct response to the drama sparked by her partner Darius Jackson’s comments on her outfit during the Las Vegas performance. The incident had garnered attention in early July, leading Palmer to share words of wisdom for new mothers in an interview with the Cut. She encouraged fellow moms to embrace themselves and their newfound love, asserting that there’s nothing more precious than the love shared between a mother and her child.
In this playful and creatively executed music video, Keke Palmer and Usher not only showcase their musical prowess but also deliver a lighthearted take on recent events, emphasizing the power of humor and self-confidence in navigating the spotlight.