Despite being in the middle of production, Marvel Studios unveiled a Season 2 trailer exclusively for D23 Expo attendees, revealing who will be Loki’s companions in his second time-traveling adventure. Along with Tom Hiddleston, who played Loki, the actor will be joined by other members of his ensemble, including Owen Wilson, Sophia Di Martino, and Ke Huy Quan, a newbie to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Sylvie had just killed He who remains when viewers last saw Loki, liberating the timeline and opening the door for Kang. The God of Mischief, meantime, discovered himself in a different version of the TVA where no one, not even Mobius, is aware of who he is. The God of Mischief, Loki, is attempting to warn people about Kang’s impending arrival in the D23 Expo trailer while juggling his own problems, a new TVA, and specific periods in time.
Owen Wilson, who plays Loki’s time companion, is back for Season 2. He might not, however, be the same Mobius that Loki and the viewer remember. The trailer hinted that this Mobius may be yet another Variant and, like the Season 1 conclusion, has no memory of his journey with Loki. Despite the fact that Sophia Di Martino’s Sylvie concluded Season 1 of Loki at the Citadel at the End of Time, the D23 footage makes it clear that she won’t stay there for very long.
Ravonna Renslayer, played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw, is another character who only made a fleeting appearance in the video but should have plenty of tales to share. When Judge Renslayer left to discover the lone person with free will, her Season 1 role came to an end. The biggest surprise of Loki’s section of the presentation, aside from the trailer, was the identification of Indiana Jones actor Ke Huy Quan. The actor’s secret role was shown in the trailer as a TVA archivist with his own unique and specialised office space, though Marvel hasn’t yet revealed exactly who he’ll be playing in the film.
Eugene Cordero’s character, TVA clerk Casey, has also returned for Loki’s second season and was also briefly seen in the D23 clip. Regarding Kang the Conqueror, played by Jonathon Majors, the new Loki teaser omitted any images of the villain in real life. He was displayed in a different shape, though. Loki may be the most significant product Marvel Studios has produced during Phase 4 because it is not just the only MCU Disney+ series to far to have received a second season. Since Loki revealed the Multiverse, Kang the Conqueror, Variants, and other concepts to the public, this current period and subsequent ones have been referred to as the Multiverse Saga.Due to its significance, it’s feasible that further Marvel characters or their Variants may appear.