Tom Hiddleston has announced his engagement to Zawe Ashton, months after the actress was seen sporting a ring on the 2022 BAFTAs red carpet. When questioned about his relationship with fellow British actor and MCU star Ashton, the Loki star told the Los Angeles Times, “I’m extremely pleased.” The actor proposed in March, just in time for the BAFTA Awards in 2022, when the two walked the red carpet together. At the time, images appeared to show a ring on her hand, leading to suspicion that they were engaged.
Following rumours following an appearance with Ashton on the BAFTAS red carpet in March, the ‘Loki’ and ‘Serpent of Essex’ star revealed his engagement for the first time in public. Hiddleston met Ashton while working on the 2019 West End revival of Betrayal. Ashton will next be seen in the historical romance Mr. Malcolm’s List and will play the villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s The Marvels. In Harold Pinter’s time-bending drama, which also included fellow MCU actor Charlie Cox, Hiddleston and Ashton played married couple Robert and Emma, whose relationship is upended by her flirtation with his close friend Jerry (Cox). The musical was transported to Broadway for a limited run the same year.
“I love what I do, and I dedicate myself with absolute commitment to making great art and great entertainment and in my mind, I don’t conflict the two. My work is in the public sphere and I have a private life. And those two things are separate.” Hiddleston, whose confirmation comes months after the BAFTAs sparked controversy, has previously spoken about keeping his professional and personal lives apart. In a 2019 New York Times interview, he also revealed that he had rethought how he communicates publicly about his personal life while addressing his work on Betrayal.
“I’m protective about my internal world now in probably a different way. That’s because I didn’t realize it needed protecting before.”