Nick Jonas had once shared a kiss with his significant other Priyanka Chopra while performing one of his Jonas Brother songs at an award function. Various singers and skilled artists accumulated at the ceremony to commend the awards. Additionally, BTS bandmates were likewise present at the award show and Jimin particularly gave an adorable reaction after he watched Jonas share a kiss with his better half.
When Nick Jonas kissed Priyanka Chopra; This is how?BTS’?Jimin?reacted!
In a video that surfaced online, every one of the significant singing stars can be seen having an outright ball at the after gathering of the occasion. The singers were seen dancing and having fun as the Jonas Brothers sang a portion of their songs. It was during this time that a client posted their camera towards Jimin and focused it on him for the sum of this occurrence. The well known bandmate from BTS was seen standing right behind Priyanka Chopra and was dancing out in delight to the sweet beats of the songs. Before long enough the Jonas Brothers show up in a bicycle and speed around the crowd loaded with genius singers. Not long enough and Nick Jonas comes dancing straight towards Priyanka Chopra and offers a kiss with her. Jimin who was remaining in nearness to the couple saw this and was astounded by them.
The BTS artist appeared to appreciate and be excited with the romantic exchange between the couple. He at that point makes a stride back and clears a path for Nick Jonas and the Jonas brothers to go through as they were traveling through the crowd at that point. Consequently the astonishing cooperation between the three was gotten on camera and presented on a YouTube channel. One can watch the video to perceive how flabbergasted the artist was to watch the couple in love. The remainder of the BTS crew also were available on the spot and were seen dancing and cutting to the Jonas brother music as the triplet went through them and advanced in front of an audience.
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