A nasal spray is going to be tested on humans in Hong Kong, which will serve as a vaccine for both influenza and corona virus.?This test will start next month.?The test of this spray was given by Yuen Kwok Yung, head of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong.?He told that 100 adults will be enrolled in the clinical trial at the initial stage.?This vaccine is similar to a nasal spray such as the flu immunization available in the market (which develops the immunity against flu).?This flu immunization has been designed in such a way that it works where respiratory viruses enter the body such as the nose.
There will be research on optimal dose with vaccine safety
Yuwen said in an interview that people should get protection against influenza and Kovid-19 simultaneously.?Norwegian Epidemic Preparedness Innovation and the Government of Hong Kong are jointly funding research on this experimental spray.?A Chinese manufacturer will prepare the experimental vaccine for the Phase I study from next month.?How safe is the vaccine in the test, in addition to research on its optimal dose.?Its results will be revealed after a few months.
Dozens of clinical trials underway worldwide
In addition to this Hong Kong experimental nasal spray, dozens of clinical trials are going on worldwide to find safe and effective vaccine prevention of Kovid-19.?Last month, China has also started a preliminary study of a nasal spray vaccine.?It has been developed by researchers from China University of Xiamen and Hong Kong University and has been developed by Beijing Vantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Corporation.
Nasal spray is effective on animals
According to the information received, genetic engineering has been used for this nasal spray which will eliminate the NS1 protein and enter the domain receptor bound to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 virus.?Yuen said that it works effectively in animals.
Work on the concept of mucosal vaccine is also underway
The UN also said that apart from protecting humans from two viruses simultaneously, one of the targets of this vaccine is that it will develop immunity at the site of mucus membrane in the nose.?According to research by Imperial College scientists published in Science Journal, mucosal immune response in Strong will be helpful in fighting infections related to respiratory system.?According to the UN, the mucosal vaccine is a very good idea.