In the seventh episode of The Crown’s final season, titled “Alma Mater,” viewers are treated to the long-anticipated introduction of Kate Middleton, the woman destined to capture Prince William’s heart. The episode explores the intricacies of their budding romance, revealing a surprising third player in their courtship—Kate’s enterprising mother, Carole Middleton, portrayed by Eve Best.
Hosts Hillary Busis, Richard Lawson, and Chris Murphy from Still Watching dive into the calculated nature of Kate’s pursuit of William, emphasizing the influence of Carole Middleton. The episode uncovers Carole’s role in persuading Kate to align her life choices with Prince William’s, showcasing a somewhat conspiratorial approach to orchestrating the future Queen’s love story.
Busis highlights the cold-open meet-cute, featuring a cameo from Elizabeth Debicki’s Princess Diana, adding an extra layer of royal nostalgia. As the plot unfolds, it becomes clear that Carole played a pivotal role in shaping Kate’s journey, from shared gap year trips to choosing St. Andrews over the University of Edinburgh and orchestrating the end of Kate’s college relationship to pave the way for her shot at the future King of England.
Murphy draws parallels between Carole Middleton’s meddling and Mohamed Al-Fayed’s manipulation plan, emphasizing that Carole’s determination surpassed even the ambitious helicopter parent. The hosts delve into the awkward moments, including a library interaction between Kate, William, and Lola Ardell Cavendish Kincaid, representing William’s pre-Kate flings.
Eve Best, who portrays Carole Middleton, becomes a central point of discussion, with Murphy expressing a longing for her character during offscreen moments. The podcast also features Ed McVey, who plays the fictional college-age Prince William, discussing the challenges and experiences of embodying the heir to the throne.
Despite not being the spitting image of the young monarch, McVey reflects on his role during the “Willsmania” years, mirroring the character’s journey on the world stage and the pressures associated with being part of The Crown’s cultural institution.
For those intrigued by the captivating love story of William and Kate, “Alma Mater” promises to be a must-watch episode. To catch all the royal insights, listen to the full episode on Still Watching.
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