A bunch of set pictures from the filming of Ms. Marvel these days leaked online. Displaying Iman Vellani in civilian garb as Kamala Khan using a motorcycle next to another actor. It is assumed to be Matt Lintz, playing Kamala’s nice buddy from the comics, Bruno Carrelli. As mentioned through more than one users on Twitter yesterday. It looks like Bruno dressed up as Bruce Banner, along Kamala’s personal Captain Marvel dress.
It appears very obvious at this factor that Kamala and Bruno are going out for Halloween. Both dressed as their favourite heroes. Kamala was sporting what seemed to be a home-made dress of Captain Marvel’s outfit visible in Avengers: Endgame. Whereas, Bruno appears to be emulating Bruce Banner. That is extra obvious whilst evaluating his look in Avengers: Age of Ultron.Kamala is dressed up as Carol Danvers. So Bruno dressing up as every other hero along her makes plenty of sense.
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In the comics, Bruno is truely an aspiring scientist, especially in the chemical engineering field. So it would not be a stretch for him to look Bruce Banner as his private hero, being a well-known scientist who doubles as a superhero.
Additionally Peter Parker’s faculty in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Bruce Banner is corresponding to Marie Curie and Sir Isaac Newton. Such a reference bodes nicely for different MCU connections in Ms. Marvel. Whilst the collection debuts on Disney+ in 2022.