The producers behind the heartwarming film “The Blind Side” have stepped forward to firmly affirm the authenticity of Michael Oher‘s story as depicted in the movie. Responding to Oher’s recent allegations that his adoption was fabricated and he was instead placed under a conservatorship, the producers are resolute in asserting that the essence of his tale remains unshaken.
Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove, the producers of “The Blind Side” and co-founders of Alcon Entertainment, released a statement addressing the recent media reports and allegations. They acknowledge that their film has become the subject of scrutiny due to Oher’s lawsuit, prompting critics and journalists to question the film’s authenticity. However, they maintain that the story depicted in the movie is “verifiably authentic and will never be a lie or fake.”
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The producers highlight that Michael Oher’s story as portrayed in the film is backed by Michael Lewis, the author of the 2006 novel that served as the basis for the film. This assertion is further corroborated by individuals with firsthand knowledge, including those close to the Tuohy family, who have affirmed the authenticity of their relationship with Oher.
Addressing the financial claims made by Oher, the producers clarify the circumstances surrounding the monetary compensation. While Oher alleged that the Tuohy family received significant payments along with a share of the film’s proceeds, the producers explain that the deal made during production was consistent with the market standards at that time. The deal did not include substantial payouts in the event of the film’s success. They also reveal that Alcon Entertainment has paid fees to the talent agency representing both the Tuohy family and Michael Oher.
The Tuohy family, in response to Oher’s claims, asserted that he had demanded a substantial sum of money and threatened negative press coverage unless they paid him $15 million. The family’s attorney, Marty Singer, further clarified that the Tuohys have consistently shared a fair portion of the earnings from “The Blind Side” with Oher over the years.
While controversies may swirl around the edges, the producers are unwavering in their assertion that the heart and core of “The Blind Side” remain untarnished. The story that touched hearts on screen is rooted in the genuine connections and experiences that transpired in real life, serving as a reminder that sometimes the power of truth can outshine even the most persistent doubts.
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