Millie Bobby Brown, renowned for her role in Stranger Things, once made a cameo in the sixth season of Modern Family. Before achieving stardom as Eleven in Stranger Things, Brown had minor roles in various popular shows. Here’s a closer look at her appearance in Modern Family.
Millie Bobby Brown’s Role in Modern Family It might come as a surprise, but Millie Bobby Brown had a role in Modern Family. Despite her transformation into one of the most prominent young talents since her breakout role in Stranger Things Season 1 (2016), Brown’s earlier appearance in the television landscape shouldn’t be overlooked. She portrayed a minor character in the beloved ABC comedy series during its sixth season. In this particular episode, Brown is featured as a young girl riding a bicycle.
Brown’s Appearance in the Episode In the Modern Family Season 6 episode titled “Closet? You’ll Love It!” the extended Pritchett-Dunphy family was gathered in Jay’s backyard when they noticed a drone hovering over Gloria Delgado-Pritchett. To address the situation, Phil Dunphy, played by Ty Burrell, took charge. With the help of Luke and Manny, they devised a plan to capture the drone.
During their attempt, the drone began to fly away. While Luke and Phil chased it on motorcycles, Manny decided to borrow a little girl’s bike because he didn’t have his own. This is where Millie Bobby Brown’s character, Lizzie, enters the scene. Lizzie, the Pritchetts’ neighbor, interjected humorously, saying, “No, that’s what you said about my mom’s humidifier,” as she stood without her bike in the middle of the sidewalk. The comedic episode eventually culminated in Gloria knocking the drone down, asserting that some boys just needed a little help.
Other TV Appearances While her cameo in Modern Family stands out as one of Millie Bobby Brown’s early roles before Stranger Things, she also appeared in various other TV series during that time. These include minor roles in shows like NCIS, where she played the daughter of an alleged murderer, and Grey’s Anatomy, where she portrayed Ruby, a teenager guided by experts over the phone while providing medical care to her mother. She also had roles in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and the BBC’s supernatural thriller series Intruders, where she played a young girl possessed by a serial killer.
Millie Bobby Brown’s journey through TV series in the early to mid-2010s demonstrates her versatility as an actress. Her appearance in Modern Family is just one of many stepping stones in her early career. Her most recent appearance was in the 2022 sequel to Enola Holmes.