Renowned for his iconic portrayals of Doctor Who in the eponymous BBC series and the Duke of Edinburgh in Netflix‘s “The Crown,” Matt Smith is making a triumphant return to London’s West End. Smith is set to take center stage in an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s classic 1882 play, “An Enemy of the People,” at the historic Duke of York’s Theatre.
“An Enemy of the People” weaves a gripping narrative around Dr. Thomas Stockmann, a dedicated healthcare official tasked with the responsibility of inspecting the communal baths, a vital lifeline for his spa hometown’s well-being. His relentless investigation unearths shocking water contamination, leading him down a path where he refuses to compromise on the truth, even if it means being labeled an enemy of the people. Smith will bring Dr. Stockmann to life, breathing fresh energy into this timeless character.
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While Ibsen’s masterpiece has seen multiple adaptations for both stage and screen, this rendition, originally in the German language by Thomas Ostermeier, marks a significant milestone as the first English-language performance of the play. Ostermeier’s groundbreaking version had previously graced London’s Barbican stage in 2014, garnering acclaim for its innovation and contemporary relevance.
Matt Smith’s last stage appearance dates back to 2019 when he starred in “Lungs” at the Old Vic Theatre. Since then, he has ventured into a variety of film projects, including “Last Night in Soho,” “The Forgiven,” and “Morbius,” as well as television series like “House of the Dragon.”
Expressing his enthusiasm for this unique collaboration, Smith stated, “Thomas Ostermeier pushes the form and boundaries of theatre, I have been a fan for quite some time. Seeing his ‘Richard III’ with Lars Erdinger was electric.” He added, “When I heard he was interested in coming to the British stage for the first time, with Ibsen’s classic ‘An Enemy of the People,’ I was delighted to say the least. It is an honor to be able to work with him on this great play and become part of this unique project.”
Ostermeier emphasized the play’s heightened relevance, stating, “As we face the immediate impact of climate change and global warming, and our seeming incapacity to change these burning threats, Ibsen’s ‘An Enemy of the People’ is unfortunately more relevant than ever.” He expressed his eagerness to create an English version of the production for London and collaborate with Matt Smith, an actor whose body of work he greatly admires.
Produced by David Binder Productions and Wessex Grove, “An Enemy of the People” is set to captivate audiences when it opens at the Duke of York’s Theatre on February 6, 2024. The production is expected to run for two months, offering theatergoers a fresh perspective on this enduring classic.