Chris Hemsworth, renowned for his portrayal of Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, recently opened up about his feelings upon witnessing Natalie Portman’s transformation into Mighty Thor for their upcoming film, ‘Thor: Love and Thunder.’ At the Los Angeles premiere, Hemsworth admitted to initially feeling “intimidated” by Portman’s remarkable metamorphosis, but he quickly transitioned to a state of awe and admiration.
Hemsworth shared with Variety, “A little stab to the ego, but I quickly got over it and I was in awe of everything she had done on and off the screen. I’m such a fan.”
In ‘Thor: Love and Thunder,’ Natalie Portman’s character, Jane Foster, takes on the mantle of Mighty Thor, a superhero depicted in the comic books. While the specific details of her character’s transition remain undisclosed, Portman has discussed the rigorous physical preparation she underwent to rejoin the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She collaborated with trainer Naomi Pendergast for approximately four months before shooting and continued her intensive regimen throughout filming.
Describing her training, Portman shared in a conversation with Vanity Fair, “We did a lot of weight training and a lot of protein shakes—heavyweight training that I haven’t ever done before.”
Chris Hemsworth, too, had to undergo significant physical transformation for his role as Thor. However, he clarified that he wouldn’t maintain such an intense workout routine outside of his Marvel character’s requirements. Hemsworth remarked that the rigorous training, once considered a chore, had evolved into a hobby and an addiction. While he appreciates the benefits of staying fit, he doesn’t pursue the extreme size and dietary regimen demanded by his Thor role for his day-to-day life.
Hemsworth explained, “It’s become a hobby now, and it allows me to live a full life and play with my kids and surf… I love it, I do love it. I don’t like working out necessarily to get to Thor size—that is brutal on my body and the amount of food and so on.”
As ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ approaches its release, the anticipation surrounding both Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman’s portrayals continues to build.
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