Kathy Swarts, a contestant on The Golden Bachelor, recently spilled the beans about her post-show experiences, including the attention she’s received from potential suitors. During an appearance on Jana Kramer’s “Whine Down” podcast on December 18, Kathy, who is 70 years old, shared amusing anecdotes about the diverse array of men who have slid into her DMs.
New Suitors and Playful Responses
Kathy revealed that she had received messages from four different men, each with their own unique story. One noteworthy encounter involved a 32-year-old suitor, prompting Kathy to humorously point out that she has children older than him. She went on to share another encounter with a 40-year-old baseball player, delivering a playful remark similar to the first.
In an interesting twist, Kathy also mentioned that a daughter reached out on behalf of her father. While she appreciated the matchmaking attempt, Kathy revealed that she never heard directly from the father in question. However, she did receive a flattering compliment from a man “in his late 50s,” who expressed hesitation due to considering her too young for him.
Reflections on The Golden Bachelor Drama
Despite being eliminated during the fourth week of The Golden Bachelor, Kathy sparked drama with the eventual winner, Theresa Nist. The conflict arose when Kathy accused Theresa of boasting about her connection with Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner. Kathy expressed feeling dismissed and overshadowed by Theresa’s claims of a strong connection with Gerry.
Theresa, who eventually got engaged to Gerry during the show’s finale, responded to the conflict on Instagram. She shared Gerry’s advice, emphasizing that she never intended to make Kathy or anyone feel inferior. Gerry and Theresa are set to tie the knot in a televised ceremony titled “The Golden Wedding,” scheduled to air on ABC on January 4, 8 p.m. ET.
Kathy Swarts’ playful recounting of her post-show experiences and interactions with potential suitors provides fans with a lighthearted glimpse into her life after The Golden Bachelor. The podcast appearance adds an extra layer of entertainment as Kathy navigates newfound attention and humorously addresses the age differences with her admirers. As the Golden Bachelor journey continues for others, Kathy’s anecdotes contribute to the ongoing charm and drama associated with reality television.
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