Everything to know about Sex Education Season 4

Ever since Sex Education season 3 dropped on Netflix and we’ve been binge-watching it . While there’s a lot to take in from the new season, supporters are already anticipating a fourth season. Thankfully, we’ve already received word that Season 4 will be released…the season three finale ended on a cliff-hanger, it not yet known if seas 4 will the final of this series. In any case, we’re sure to see some uncomfortable sexual experiences as the teenagers strive (and often fail miserably) to figure out life and love in the best manner possible.

According to Digital Spy, Asa Butterfield, who portrays Otis Milburn, confirmed that production on the fourth season has yet to begin, “We haven’t started filming yet. But we are planning to start filming soonish. And that’s about all I can say.” One of the Untouchables is played by Simone Ashley. Meanwhile, Olivia crushed hearts when she announced on This Morning that she would not be repeating her part in Sex Education.

Asa and Patricia are still wearing their Moordale uniforms, alongside Gillian.

Last we know, Maeve is off to the United States for a once-in-a-lifetime study abroad chance, leaving the young lovers to wing it from opposite sides of the Atlantic. Otis makes it plain that he will be waiting for Maeve when she returns. But he’s a teenager, and teenagers aren’t known for following their commitments.

Adam and Eric, on the other hand, are in an equally perplexing state of mind. They’ve split up, and it’s evident that Adam will need some time in counselling to process his years in the closet. That doesn’t imply the ship is adrift: Eric is prepared to reconnect when his ex-girlfriend has had time to recover.

Otis’ mother, on the other hand, is a another tale altogether. Jean is significantly pregnant for the whole of Season 3, but she ultimately gives birth to a healthy baby girl…only to discover via DNA test that the baby’s father is, oh, unknown. With that little cliffhanger keeping us on the edge of our seats, it’s no surprise Netflix is hoping for a fourth season of Sex Education.

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