Partner Track Star Jeff Storyline Describes His Ideal Season 2

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Partner Track. Dominic Sherwood as Jeff Murphy in episode 108 of Partner Track. Cr. Vanessa Clifton/Netflix © 2022

Dominic Sherwood, a star of Partner Track, talks about what he would want to see for Jeff in the coming season 2. The Netflix drama analyses what young and ambitious individuals would do to achieve at the famous Manhattan law firm of Parsons Valentine & Hunt by centering on the character of Ingrid Yun (played by Teen Wolf star Arden Cho). Jeff Murphy, a character played by Sherwood, is no different. Despite having his times when he treats Ingrid with love and encouragement, the conclusion pulls off a shocking betrayal.

Partner Track concludes that Ingrid has abandoned her buddy and moved forward intending to find a partner. Though she believes her boss’s perceived racism is why she doesn’t get the position, it turns out that Ingrid was passed over for the promotion because the legal company found out about her unjust arrest, which she had attempted to conceal. She finds out that Jeff was the one who revealed her secret in the last seconds of the show.

Sherwood, who most recently portrayed Jeff in Eraser: Reborn, talked to Entertainment Weekly about Jeff’s treachery and what he expects to see for his character if Partner Track is renewed for a second season. Given that Jeff’s father is no longer alive, the actor claims he would want to go into Jeff’s background and discover why his mother is referred to in the past tense. He says that considering these elements will enable him to create a fuller portrait and a deeper understanding.

Partner Track Star Jeff Storyline Describes His Ideal Season 2 2

Sherwood’s remarks concur with co-showrunner Georgia Lee’s explanation of Jeff’s Partner Track finale betrayal, which said that the twist sprang from a desire to appreciate the character’s depth rather than simply make him likable. She said that if the show were to come back, there would be more opportunities to explore Jeff’s humanity. Showing the character’s family life would undoubtedly be a significant part of that, if not the biggest. And as Sherwood himself states, the purpose is only to explain how and why it may have happened rather than to justify what Jeff has done.

Season 2 of Partner Track has not yet been confirmed, but Netflix executive Jinny Howe just provided an encouraging update on its progress. The executive indicated she was pleased with how the first set of episodes went and that there were already discussions about how to carry the tale forward. There will be plenty of turmoil if the courtroom drama gets renewed for a second season, but it seems like there are plans to go a little further into the backstories of the individuals.

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