Salespeople & Sales Techs: Simple Ways to Close More Deals in Your Trade

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The sun was setting as Eric Prough, an HVAC technician, pulled into his driveway in time for a nice sit-down dinner with his family. It wasn’t always like this. Eric used to struggle with long hours and too many missed family hours. That was until he discovered Gene Slade’s techniques for closing deals faster, in less time.

As the CEO and Founder of Lead Ninja System, Slade trains salespeople and sales technicians to optimize their sales strategies through weekly mastermind sessions and exclusive mansion events. Here’s how Slade’s advice can transform your approach and get you home in time for dinner.

This information is useful for pest control, garage doors, carpet cleaners, roofers, solar, HVAC, plumbing, electrical… all service trades! Plus, this is just the tip of the iceberg, so stay tuned ‘till the end for information on how to learn more from Slade.

Polite Commands

One common problem technicians face is getting customers to cooperate without feeling bossed around. The key to solving this issue lies in the power of politeness: Adding ‘please’ to requests significantly betters customer interactions.

Slade explains, “I usually start at the thermostat. I’m not commanding yet, but I could say, ‘Please take me to the thermostat.’ Was that a command? It was, but you didn’t realize it was a command because I said ‘please’ up front. So, I’m going to begin to give the client commands now, and see how they respond. 99% of the time they respond really well, as long as you’re using the right words.”

Now, in this example, Slade elaborates that once he sees the thermostat he’ll say, “Is this where you normally keep the temperature set?” which typically is where the tech could get a lot of different information to use for sales.

Setting the Stage

Another hurdle technicians often encounter is managing customer expectations and interactions during service visits. Establishing authority from the start and guiding the conversation can lead to smoother, more productive interactions.

“You gotta just let them know how things are gonna go,” Slade advises. “If they’re gonna be there, you get to skip some steps and just start at the tune-up. But, if they gotta go and there’s gotta be some maneuvering, I’ll say, ‘Alright, so here’s how this is gonna go. I’m gonna go and start in the indoor system. And when you have to leave, I’ll move to the outdoor system. You can even lock up if you want, and by the time you get back, I should have everything together for you.’ I’ve got to set the stage for how it’s gonna look.”

By establishing a clear plan and communicating it effectively, technicians and salespeople can maintain control of the situation and ensure the job gets done efficiently. Curious what those skippable steps that Slade mentioned above were? All the more reason to join his Lead Ninja mastermind…

Addressing the Problem

Technicians also face the challenge of getting to the root of the problem without being delayed by the customer’s schedule. Addressing potential interruptions head-on and planning accordingly can save valuable time for both you and your clients.

One of Slade’s students asked him, “The [customer] stays with me for part of it, and then they take off.”

Slade confirmed, “Then they tell you, ‘Hey, I got a conference call’? Got it. At that stage of the game, address it immediately: ‘Okay, perfect. Should I find anything that you need to see or know about? How long is the call gonna take?’ Right? ‘Would it be impossible, if I see something that you need to see, would it be impossible for that call to be paused for three to four minutes?’ Just do a little bit of pre-planning if that’s going on.”

By addressing potential issues upfront, technicians can ensure they have the customer’s attention when it matters most.

By incorporating Slade’s strategies, technicians can close more deals in less time, ultimately increasing their earnings and freeing up time for their families. Slade’s hands-on, no-nonsense, ultra-clear approach highlights the importance of polite communication, setting clear expectations, and addressing problems from the jump.

Ready to transform your life? Join Slade’s Lead Ninja Mastermind training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 AM EST and start changing your life today!

About Gene Slade

Gene Slade, CEO of Lead Ninja System and Lead Ninja AI, is a pioneering force in the realm of sales training, conversational AI, and business development in the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical industry. With a steadfast commitment to empowering professionals in the trades, Gene offers transformative coaching experiences that revolutionize the way business owners approach sales and growth through personalized guidance, community support, and access to exclusive resources. For more information, call or text Gene himself at (239) 848-6533 or visit and

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