3 Hypnotic Sales Techniques To Influence Others And Secure Sales From The Sales Doctor Neuro Psychology and Hypnotherapy Clinic

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People engage in social interactions and develop relationships with others , on a daily basis to express their needs, negotiate situations and get what they want. Especially in business, where you’d think deals are made in terms of products and key Performance Indicators (KPIs), It is actually the people behind the brands that are the driving force in securing sales and creating relationships.

Being able to effectively communicate your ideas and engage in this delicate social dance, is a skill that you need to be trained in, if you want to be able to consistently influence people into positive, favorable outcomes. There are a million ways you could go about developing this skill, and Dr Terence McIvor is here to share some of his favorite tools in his arsenal.

Dr Terence is a certified Hypnotherapist, certified instructor, Neuro-linguistic Programming Trainer and Transformational Life Coach, who helps entrepreneurs, salespeople and professionals that struggle with anxiety and self-limiting beliefs to become confident, resilient and successful in their field. Known as “The Sales Doctor”, Dr McIvor utilizes NLP and hypnotherapy to overcome psychological blocks, identify the root cause of self-sabotaging behaviors, and create shifts in the unconscious mind that enables peak performance.

As a Coach of hypnotherapy , NLP and 3 Principles, Dr McIvor is fully certified by the prestigious International  Coach Register (ICR)

While hypnotherapy, NLP and 3 Principles, are deep, expansive topics to cover, Dr Terence has provided some hypnotic language patterns available to use in everyday situations that can influence others into acting towards your desired results.

The Double Bind

A double bind is a common sales technique that provides your customer with the illusion of choice, when the reality is that both options lead to your desired outcome. People don’t like being forced into things, so you may be met with resistance when trying to secure a sale or finalize negotiations. Providing them with options allows the customer to feel like they have more control over the situation and makes them more cooperative.

An example of a double bind looks like this: “Would you like to continue here or in my office?” Regardless of where you’re physically standing, the sale will still be completed, but the customer will feel more comfortable with the outcome by being allowed a choice in the process.

Embedded Commands

An embedded command is a spoken sentence which holds a hidden command that will subconsciously influence its witness. As you read through this section, you will notice how you become really interested in learning more about using these techniques in sales and in everyday life.

That last sentence was an example of using an embedded command that your subconscious mind would recognize and react to. The phrase structure “become really interested” will act as a light force tugging on the subconscious mind and nudging them toward your preferred outcome. This technique is used very often in sales, so keep an eye out for these embedded commands when you encounter them


Storytelling is a powerful tool for closing a sale, and communicating with people in general. People are always looking for things that they can relate to, and a story provides a hook for the customer to latch onto and influence them with. An effective use of storytelling wouldn’t be simply reciting “once upon a time”, but rather incorporating their wants, needs and desires into a narrative around your product that relates to these.

It’s not exactly what you say to the client here, but how you say it, and the feelings it evokes in them that makes it such a powerful technique. Storytelling is used in marketing all the time, with all the best advertising campaigns carrying some element of storytelling behind it.

Incorporating these tools, and investing in mastering the way you wield these verbal and non-verbal communication tools to use on your clients and yourself will allow you to easily navigate challenging social situations, improve your ability to influence and sell, and see people gravitate towards you and your company.

Connect with Dr Terence McIvor through his website, and check out his Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok social media pages to learn more about how you can use NLP to unlock your potential and reach your goals.

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