Indian Superstars who once were a part of WWE

WWE has become increasingly well-known over time, and a few years ago, the company’s social fan base surpassed one billion.
Wrestlers from other nations will come to this location in greater numbers as the promotion expands to new nations, just as there have been more Indian wrestlers visiting this location over time.
Many well-known Indian superstars are currently employed by the largest pro wrestling organization in the world, but some of them have since left the organization or have retired.
So, in this piece, we’ll inform you about four Indian Superstars that have departed WWE and their final contest with the organization.

The Great Khali and Mahabali Shera

The Great Khali is a WWE legend.
The Great Khali was eliminated by Bobby Lashley after less than one minute in the ring during his most recent WWE bout, which took place during the Greatest Royal Rumble in 2018. He had started the contest at number 45.
In October 2014’s SmackDown program, he lost his final singles bout in the promotion to Rusev.

Mahabali Shera
While working for Impact Wrestling, Mahabali Shera established a solid reputation for himself in the pro wrestling world.
In the few months he spent with WWE after joining, he competed in numerous quality NXT matches.
After losing to Brennan Williams in his final match for this promotion in September 2018, which occurred a few days later, he was fired from the organization.

Jeet Rama and Kavita Devi

Jeet Rama
Before competing in Pro Wrestling, Jeet Rama competed as an amateur wrestler, and his outstanding efforts there helped him land a spot in the WWE.
In 2015, he signed up for this promotion, and soon after, he began receiving opportunities to compete in NXT matches.
In an NXT broadcast from November 2021, he competed in his final match to date with the organization, losing to Solo Sikoa.
Sadly, because of budget limitations, WWE fired him a few days after the contest.

Kavita Devi
In 2017, Kavita Devi acquired a deal with WWE, making her the first Indian woman wrestler to participate in a Vince McMahon promotion.
He lost to Io Shirai in his most recent WWE match on an NXT occasion in July 2019.

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