Elon Musk says he hopes Amber Heard and Johnny Depp move on from the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial

As entertainers Johnny Depp and Amber Heard proceed with their slander fight, Amber’s ex, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, has responded to the high-profile preliminary. At present, the jury is to start consultations in the criticism case and is supposed to convey the decision one week from now. 

Answering a tweet on Johnny and Amber Heard‘s preliminary, Elon wrote on Twitter, “I genuinely want to believe that the two of them continue. At their best, they are each staggering.” He was responding to a tweet by MIT Research Scientist Lex Fridman. Lex had expressed, “My focus points from Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard preliminary: 1. Popularity is one amazing medication (for some). 2. Specialists and legal counselors come in radically shifting degrees of ability. 3. Misleading a great many individuals is something people are prepared to do. 4. Love can be untidy. 5. Uber has half a quart of wine.

Elon Musk and Amber were in a concise relationship, after her split from Johnny. Be that as it may, they isolated in 2017, following a time of dating. The couple reunited in 2018 yet again finished things with one another following a couple of months.

Johnny has sued Amber in Virginia for $50 million and contended that she criticized him when she referred to herself as “a well-known person addressing homegrown maltreatment” in an assessment piece she composed. Golden countersued for $100 million, saying he spread her when his legal counselor considered her allegations a “trick.”

A seven-man jury pondered for over two hours on Friday and will continue conversations on Tuesday. At the focal point of the legitimate case is the December 2018 assessment piece by Amber in the Washington Post, in which she offered the expression about homegrown maltreatment. The article never referenced Johnny by name, however, his legal advisor told hearers she was alluding to him.

The pair met in 2011 while shooting The Rum Diary and got hitched in February 2015. Their separation was finished around two years after the fact. Johnny has said Amber’s charges set him back “everything.” another Pirates film was required to be postponed, and Johnny was supplanted in the Fantastic Beasts film establishment.

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