CM Punk on Vince McMahon’s Retirement

Fans and wrestlers alike are ecstatic about Vince McMahon’s retirement from WWE and Triple H’s promotion to Head of Creative. Many people believe that the drastic company reorganization will enable changes to both WWE’s work culture and the creative direction of its programming. CM Punk, the AEW World Champion, is still as negative as ever. Punk mocked the notion that McMahon would relinquish control of WWE in a recent interview with a podcast, implying that his former employer would still manage the company covertly.
During his tenure with WWE, CM Punk’s most notable angle was his criticizing Vince McMahon and his inner circle. His departure from the company includes being dismissed on the day of his wedding and a contentious court battle that resulted in the rupture of his friendship with a close buddy. Punk has discussed how working for McMahon at WWE not only diminished his love of professional wrestling but also left him feeling despondent and generally furious.

Therefore, it is more than fair to suggest that there is still some hostility there. Perhaps it is what has influenced his opinion of how Vince’s departure will affect the organization.

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I’m retiring,’ he won’t be actively involved in running the show. Punk responded to a query on McMahon’s retirement. At all. I believe that it is what it is. Punk continued by drawing comparisons between Brock Lesnar’s treatment of Sasha Banks and Naomi’s recent walkouts and how WWE handled them. People are going to be furious about this, but f*k it, I’ll put it to you like that, Punk said. “Sasha Banks and Trinity say on SmackDown that they are “very disappointed in them, they let our fans down” as they depart.

Michael Cole’s Response

Where was Michael Cole when Brock split, returned, and I believe he worked the show, saying, “Man, Brock Lesnar let these fans down? They referred to me as a quitter on television. What has altered? Punk enquired. What is the distinction? You’re going to bash these two poor women for sort of giving up and leaving? They had larger balls than everybody else there. What has changed, then, you ask? Nothing significant has changed. Some talk about it and people who do it continued the punk. Who are those idiots who lick their boots and have the gall to say those things about those two women on live television? Cowards and bootlickers, they are the ****. That shit is absurd. Why weren’t they able to help Brock? You know, they did it for me. Punk concluded by saying it was none of his business.

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