With Humans Outsmarting Predators in Prey, the Franchise Takes a New Direction

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Prey, the seventh installment in the Predator franchise, offers a unique twist by setting its story in the Northern Great Plains in 1719, a departure from the contemporary settings of previous films. In addition to its setting, Prey introduces changes to the appearance and abilities of the Predator, providing a fresh take on the iconic creature. However, what truly sets Prey apart is its exploration of how humans can outsmart the formidable Predators.

In a pivotal scene, the character Naru tells a story about a beaver that cuts off its own limbs to survive. This seemingly insignificant moment foreshadows the climactic showdown between Naru and the Predator, establishing the theme of intelligence and resourcefulness as key factors in overcoming challenges. When the final battle ensues, Naru employs clever tactics to outsmart the Predator, using her wit and ingenuity to gain the upper hand.

Throughout the Predator franchise, intelligence and resourcefulness have consistently been portrayed as crucial factors in defeating Predators. Characters like Dutch in the first Predator film and Royce in Predators devise ingenious plans to outsmart their adversaries, highlighting humanity’s ability to overcome superior strength and technology through cunning strategies.

Prey reinforces this theme by showcasing Naru’s ability to devise clever solutions to defeat her adversary. By emphasizing intelligence and adaptability as essential traits for survival, Prey offers a fresh perspective on the classic conflict between humans and Predators, setting the stage for new possibilities within the franchise.

With Humans Outsmarting Predators in Prey, the Franchise Takes a New Direction 2


How does Prey differentiate itself from other films in the Predator franchise?

    Prey sets itself apart by adopting a unique historical setting and introducing changes to the appearance and abilities of the Predator, providing a fresh take on the franchise.

    What significance does the scene with Naru and the beaver story hold in Prey?

      The scene establishes the theme of intelligence and resourcefulness as key factors in overcoming challenges, foreshadowing Naru’s eventual outsmarting of the Predator.

      How does Naru outsmart the Predator in the final fight of Prey?

        Naru employs clever tactics, including hiding her body heat with herbs and using the Predator’s own mask as a decoy, to gain the upper hand in the final battle.

        Is intelligence consistently portrayed as the key to defeating Predators in the franchise?

          Yes, throughout the franchise, intelligence and resourcefulness are depicted as crucial factors in overcoming Predators’ superior strength and technology.

          How does Prey contribute to the overall theme of humans outsmarting Predators in the franchise?

            Prey reinforces the theme by showcasing Naru’s ability to devise clever solutions to defeat her adversary, offering a fresh perspective on the classic conflict between humans and Predators.

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