Unraveling the Mystery: The Origins of Rick’s Phone Message Revealed in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live

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The Walking Dead

Four years ago, “The Walking Dead” left fans intrigued with a cryptic phone message from Rick Grimes, hinting at his survival beyond his departure from the series. Now, in “The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live,” the origins of this mystery are finally unveiled, shedding light on Rick’s journey and the significance of the message.

In the series, Michonne embarks on a quest to find Rick, leading her to stumble upon a phone adorned with a drawing of her and Judith, accompanied by Japanese writing. This discovery serves as a pivotal clue indicating Rick’s survival, but the true origin of the message remained shrouded in mystery until “The Ones Who Live” provided answers.

The series’ trailer offers a glimpse into the meaning of Rick’s phone message, with Nat revealing that the Japanese writing translates to “Believe a little bit longer.” This revelation marks the first update on the phone message in four years, hinting at its importance in motivating Michonne’s journey.

In Episode 3 of “The Ones Who Live,” the character behind the drawings is finally introduced. Rick, it turns out, frequented an art stall named Benjiro’s Portraiture And Art in the Civic Republic, where he commissioned drawings from an artist named Benjiro. The drawings, including the one on the phone, serve as a beacon of hope for Rick, reaffirming his love for Michonne and Judith despite the challenges he faces.

Benjiro’s role extends beyond creating the drawings; he also crafted the Japanese message on the phone, which serves as a reminder for Rick to maintain hope until he is reunited with his loved ones. This revelation adds depth to Rick’s character and underscores the importance of family in his journey.

Furthermore, “The Ones Who Live” hints at additional drawings beyond the one featuring Michonne and Judith. Benjiro mentions attempts to draw a boy, likely referring to Carl Grimes, whose memory continues to inspire Rick despite his passing. This detail highlights the significance of family in Rick’s resilience and underscores the emotional depth of his journey.

Overall, “The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live” unravels the mystery surrounding Rick’s phone message, providing insight into its origins and significance. Through the character of Benjiro and the poignant messages conveyed in the drawings, the series delves into themes of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of familial bonds in the face of adversity.

Unraveling the Mystery: The Origins of Rick's Phone Message Revealed in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 2


What is the significance of Rick’s phone message in “The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live”?
Rick’s phone message serves as a central mystery in the series, hinting at his survival and providing motivation for Michonne’s quest to find him. The message, accompanied by Japanese writing, holds symbolic importance and serves as a beacon of hope for the characters.

Who is behind the drawings and message on Rick’s phone?
The drawings and message on Rick’s phone are revealed to be the work of an artist named Benjiro, who operates an art stall in the Civic Republic. Benjiro’s creations, including the drawing of Michonne and Judith, serve as a source of inspiration for Rick and convey messages of hope and love.

What does the Japanese writing on Rick’s phone message translate to?
The Japanese writing on Rick’s phone message translates to “Believe a little bit longer,” as revealed in “The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live.” This message serves as a reminder for Rick to maintain hope and perseverance in his quest to reunite with his loved ones.

What other drawings were mentioned in “The Ones Who Live”?
In addition to the drawing of Michonne and Judith, Benjiro mentions attempts to draw a boy, likely referring to Carl Grimes. This detail underscores the significance of family in Rick’s journey and highlights the emotional depth of his character’s motivations.

How does Benjiro’s character contribute to the storyline in “The Ones Who Live”?
Benjiro’s character plays a crucial role in unraveling the mystery surrounding Rick’s phone message and providing insight into its origins. His interactions with Michonne shed light on Rick’s journey and reaffirm the importance of hope and love in the face of adversity.

What themes are explored in “The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live” related to Rick’s phone message?
“The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live” explores themes of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of familial bonds. Through Rick’s quest and the revelations surrounding his phone message, the series delves into the emotional complexities of survival in a post-apocalyptic world.

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