Murder Mystery Unraveled: The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2, Episode 9 Recap Shocks Fans

Despite having a good beginning, Lisa (Lana Parrilla) ends up getting ripped to pieces by Andrea (Yaya DaCosta) during the cross-examination. Lisa’s defence is strengthened thanks to Mickey (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo), who has a significant trick up his sleeve.

Then, as the case is drawing to a close, a surprise new suspect in Bondurant’s slaying surfaced. On the witness stand, Lisa admits that she turned down Bondurant’s offer to buy her restaurant and house.

She claims that shortly after, Bondurant began to bother her. She accuses him of being responsible for construction workers’ excessively early morning noise, for closing local streets during the dinner rush, and for kicking up dust that made it nearly impossible for customers to eat on the patio.

When prodded by Mickey, Lisa adds that she and her husband just grew apart rather than fighting more frequently than any other marriage or engaging in physical altercations. She also revealed Henry (Matt Angel) had instructed her to seem more passionate even though she genuinely meant the remarks heard in the podcast recording and the footage aired in court was likely her sixth attempt at delivering that speech.

Although Lisa didn’t much care for Bondurant, she didn’t actually want to murder him.Lisa’s evidence begins to undermine the defense’s case when Andrea cross-examines her, which is unfortunate.

Read More: Murder, Lies, and Justice: The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2, Part 2 Delivers an Unforgettable Conclusion

Andrea criticises Lisa for having organised 23 protests against Bondurant. Additionally, Andrea makes several dubious comments regarding Lisa’s temper and the chef being the reason her husband left her, causing Lisa to angrily yell, “That piece of shit was lucky to have me.” The judge imposes order in the courtroom right away. Andrea also disclosed that Lisa and Jeff are still legally wed.

The first witness Mickey presents is René (Ryan W. Garcia), a longtime worker at Lisa’s restaurant. René portrays his boss as a decent man who doesn’t have an unusually quick fuse or a violent streak. But as Andrea presses him, she brings out one of his earlier social media posts in which he complained about working for Lisa and even mentioned an instance where he said, “She’s crazy when she gets like this, you can’t talk to her.”

Dr. Arslanian, Mickey’s expert witness (Anna Khaja), is seated next to the witness stand. Through a demonstration in which Lorna (Becki Newton) was unable to ascend a Bondurant mannequin copy, Dr. By taking off her shoes, tilting the mannequin’s head back, and striking it on top of the head with a hammer, Andrea both literally and figuratively slammed this expert opinion.

Andrea claimed it’s possible that Lisa was able to reach the top of Bondurant’s head because something caught his attention the day of the murder and caused him to look up.

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