Marvel’s Newest Watcher-Like Villain Has a Power That Would Have Altered Thanos’ Plan in the MCU



The Marvel Universe has introduced a new antagonist with powers that even Thanos would have coveted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). In a recent comic storyline titled “Malice the Mitigator” featured in Women of Marvel #1, a new villain named The Mighty Mitigator possesses abilities akin to the Watchers, enabling him to manipulate dimensions and alter the Marvel Multiverse at will. Unlike the Watchers, who are bound by a vow of non-interference, The Mighty Mitigator has no qualms about reshaping history to suit his desires, making him a formidable threat capable of rewriting entire universes without anyone noticing.

The Mighty Mitigator’s power allows him to pluck individuals from different timelines and erase all memory of their existence, effectively altering the course of history without detection. This ability adds a new twist to “What If” storytelling, as The Mighty Mitigator can reshape existing universes to fit his ideals, leading to unforeseen consequences for the inhabitants. For example, when Sue Storm is removed from her timeline, her absence results in significant changes, such as her team becoming the Fantastic Three without her.

The implications of The Mighty Mitigator’s powers are profound, especially when considering how they could have impacted Thanos’ plan in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Had The Mighty Mitigator existed during Thanos’ quest for the Infinity Stones, the Mad Titan could have enlisted his help to achieve his goal of wiping out half of all life in the universe without facing the consequences seen in Endgame. Instead of resorting to the snap, Thanos could have utilized The Mighty Mitigator’s abilities to alter reality and erase all memory of the devastating event, ensuring his victory without opposition.

The introduction of The Mighty Mitigator raises intriguing possibilities for the MCU, showcasing how a seemingly minor character’s powers could have drastically altered the course of events in the franchise. While fans may appreciate the dramatic moments and resolutions in Endgame, the presence of The Mighty Mitigator highlights the potential for darker and more unpredictable outcomes in the Marvel Universe.

Ultimately, The Mighty Mitigator’s powers serve as a reminder of the complexity and depth of the Marvel Multiverse, offering new avenues for storytelling and character development in future comic arcs and potentially influencing the direction of the MCU. As Marvel continues to expand its roster of characters and villains, The Mighty Mitigator stands out as a formidable adversary capable of reshaping reality itself.

Marvel's Newest Watcher-Like Villain Has a Power That Would Have Altered Thanos' Plan in the MCU 2


What is Women of Marvel #1?

    Women of Marvel #1 is a comic book featuring various iconic Marvel heroines, including Sue Storm, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, and Kitty Pryde. It includes a story titled “Malice the Mitigator,” which introduces a new villain named The Mighty Mitigator.

    Who is The Mighty Mitigator?

      The Mighty Mitigator is a new villain introduced in “Malice the Mitigator” storyline. Possessing powers similar to the Watchers, The Mighty Mitigator can manipulate dimensions and alter the Marvel Multiverse. Unlike the Watchers, he has no qualms about reshaping history to suit his desires.

      What powers does The Mighty Mitigator have?

        The Mighty Mitigator can pluck individuals from different timelines and erase all memory of their existence, effectively altering the course of history without detection. This ability allows him to reshape existing universes to fit his ideals.

        How does The Mighty Mitigator’s power impact storytelling?

          The introduction of The Mighty Mitigator adds a new twist to “What If” storytelling, as he can rewrite entire universes without anyone noticing. His powers open up intriguing possibilities for exploring alternate realities and unforeseen consequences for the inhabitants.

          How could The Mighty Mitigator’s powers have altered Thanos’ plan in the MCU?

            If The Mighty Mitigator had existed during Thanos’ quest for the Infinity Stones, Thanos could have enlisted his help to achieve his goal of wiping out half of all life in the universe without facing the consequences seen in Avengers: Endgame. Instead of using the snap, Thanos could have altered reality and erased all memory of the devastating event.

            What implications does The Mighty Mitigator’s introduction have for the Marvel Universe?

              The Mighty Mitigator’s powers highlight the complexity and depth of the Marvel Multiverse, offering new avenues for storytelling and character development. His presence introduces the potential for darker and more unpredictable outcomes in the Marvel Universe, influencing the direction of future comic arcs and potentially the MCU.

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