Thor: Love and Thunder is a forthcoming American superhero film based on the same-named Marvel Comics character. The film will be released on July 8, 2022, as a sequel to Thor Ragnarok and the fourth instalment in the Thor franchise. This will be Chris Hemsworth’s fourth solo Thor adventure, which he will undoubtedly pass on to Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). The movie was officially announced in July 2019, the film will incorporate parts from Jason Aaron’s run on The Mighty Thor comic book, according to director Taika Waititi.
MCU fans were getting impatient and eagerly waiting for the release of the movie. With the release date around the corner, MCU released a teaser for the movie. Fans finally got the first look at the film after a long wait when the first teaser was released. In the teaser, we saw a lot of the new Thor movie, but we didn’t get to see one vital face. Gorr the God Butcher, the villain of Thor: Love and Thunder, did not feature in the original trailer for the film.
Thor: Love and Thunder will witness a new villain Gorr, the God Butcher played by the previous Batman, Christian Bale. Gorr the God-Butcher, according to Thor: Love & Thunder merchandise, maybe more powerful than Thanos. To casual comics fans, this character may not be instantly identified as a rogue. Nonetheless, he’s a terrible villain with an intriguing relationship with Venom and the symbiote. So far, the Mad Titan is the MCU’s biggest villain, all because of the twisted logic that drives his maniacal agenda and also because of his tremendous power.
The character of Gorr was first introduced in the 2013 movie Thor: God of Thunder. Gorr, a genuinely terrible and high-fantasy type of villain, is introduced in the second issue of the series. In the same issue, we learn that Gorr and his minions are attacking all three versions of Thor. Gorr the God Butcher possesses an incredible and lethal power set that is strangely linked to both Spider-lore and one of the Fantastic Four’s most infamous adversaries.
Take a look at the teaser of Thor: Love and Thunder: