Exploring Potential Settings for The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2

Mario Bros

“The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2” has the opportunity to expand beyond the Mushroom Kingdom, introducing audiences to new and exciting locales from the Super Mario universe. With a rich tapestry of kingdoms and settings from the video games, the sequel could explore fresh backdrops while staying true to the franchise’s spirit.

Bowser’s Kingdom
Bowser’s expansive realm offers a menacing backdrop for the sequel, showcasing the villain’s dominion beyond his castle. Introducing Bowser’s Kingdom would elevate the stakes and add depth to the antagonist’s character.

Led by Princess Daisy, Sarasaland presents an opportunity to introduce a new kingdom and character to the movie series. Exploring this vibrant country would enrich the franchise’s world-building.

Yoshi’s Island
The post-credits scene teased Yoshi’s appearance, setting the stage for a potential journey to Yoshi’s Island. This iconic location could serve as a kingdom ruled by either Bowser or an original Yoshi character.

A gritty harbor town from the “Paper Mario” series, Rogueport offers a fresh and unconventional setting for the sequel. Its criminal underworld and connections to other realms provide rich storytelling opportunities.

Waffle Kingdom
While never seen in the games, the Waffle Kingdom is mentioned in “Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.” Exploring this mysterious kingdom would offer new insights into Luigi’s adventures and expand the movie’s lore.

New Donk City
As a modern metropolis introduced in “Super Mario Odyssey,” New Donk City presents a unique twist on the Mario universe. Incorporating this urban setting would add diversity and excitement to the sequel.

Beanbean Kingdom
Featured in the “Mario & Luigi” RPG series, the Beanbean Kingdom boasts exotic locales and colorful characters. Its inclusion would introduce fresh challenges and allies for Mario and Luigi.

The Comet Observatory
From “Super Mario Galaxy,” the Comet Observatory offers a cosmic setting ruled by Princess Rosalina. Venturing into space would add a grand and majestic element to the sequel’s narrative.

The dreamlike realm of Subcon from “Super Mario Bros. 2” presents a surreal and imaginative backdrop. Exploring Mario’s subconscious would offer a unique and fantastical journey for the characters.

Real-World Locations
Building on the original movie’s portrayal of the real world, the sequel could further explore existing cities and countries. Bringing characters from the Mushroom Kingdom into real-world settings would offer a fresh perspective and expand the movie’s universe.


Will the sequel feature characters from the original movie?
While details about the sequel’s cast are yet to be confirmed, there is potential for returning characters from the first movie to make appearances in the sequel.

When is “The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2” expected to release?
Release dates for the sequel have not been officially announced. Fans are eagerly awaiting updates from the production team for more information.

Will the sequel follow the same storyline as the original movie?
While the overarching storyline of the sequel remains unknown, there is speculation that it may explore new kingdoms and settings within the Super Mario universe.

Are there plans for international releases of the sequel?
Details about international releases, including translations and distribution, have not been disclosed. Fans outside of Japan are hopeful for announcements regarding global availability.

What animation style will be used for “The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2”?
The animation style for the sequel has not been confirmed. Fans are curious to see how the visual aesthetic of the movie will complement its storytelling and setting choices.

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