Cillian Murphy’s Latest Movie Sparks Interest in Underrated TV Series

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Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy, renowned for his performances in acclaimed productions like “Peaky Blinders” and “28 Days Later,” has recently gained widespread acclaim for his portrayal of the titular physicist in Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer.” With an Academy Award now to his name, audiences eagerly anticipate Murphy’s future projects. While details surrounding his upcoming film “Blood Runs Coal” have surfaced, his latest movie, “Small Things Like These,” has already received critical acclaim. Surprisingly, this film shares thematic similarities with an obscure but compelling TV series that premiered a year earlier.

“Small Things Like These” and “The Woman in the Wall”: Parallel Narratives

Based on Claire Keegan’s novella, “Small Things Like These” delves into the painful realities of Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries, where women endured harsh conditions and had their children taken from them. Premiering at the Berlin Film Festival in February 2024, the film has garnered unanimous acclaim, with Cillian Murphy lauded for his portrayal of coal merchant Bill.

Before diving into “Small Things Like These,” viewers might find it enriching to explore the thematic territory of an obscure TV series called “The Woman in the Wall.” Set against the backdrop of Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries, this series presents a heart-wrenching portrayal of women struggling against oppressive religious systems. Like the film, “The Woman in the Wall” delves into the perspectives of individuals who resist the institutions that seek to control them.

Why “The Woman in the Wall” Deserves Attention

Despite its relative obscurity, “The Woman in the Wall” deserves recognition for its sensitive portrayal of historical injustices. The series adopts a murder mystery thriller format to explore the dark underbelly of Ireland’s convents, highlighting the resilience of its central characters portrayed by Ruth Wilson and Daryl McCormack.

Comparing Critical Reception

While both productions tackle similar themes, “Small Things Like These” has slightly edged ahead in critical reception, boasting an 83% score on Rotten Tomatoes. “The Woman in the Wall,” with a critics’ score of 75% and an audience score of 82%, remains relatively underappreciated, though its impact on viewers is profound.

As audiences await Murphy’s future projects, “Small Things Like These” and “The Woman in the Wall” stand as poignant reminders of the resilience of individuals in the face of historical injustices. These narratives, enriched by stellar performances and compelling storytelling, offer viewers an opportunity to reflect on the enduring impact of oppressive systems and the human spirit’s capacity for resistance.

Cillian Murphy's Latest Movie Sparks Interest in Underrated TV Series 2


What is Cillian Murphy’s latest movie, and what is it about?
Cillian Murphy’s latest movie is “Small Things Like These.” It sheds light on the painful realities of Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries, where women were subjected to harsh conditions and their children taken from them.

What is “The Woman in the Wall,” and how does it relate to “Small Things Like These”?
“The Woman in the Wall” is a TV series that also explores the struggles faced by women in Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries. Both the show and the movie depict individuals powerless against the oppressive religious systems and aim to shed light on historical injustices.

Why should viewers watch “The Woman in the Wall” before “Small Things Like These”?
“The Woman in the Wall” serves as a compelling precursor to “Small Things Like These” due to its similar themes and narrative elements. It provides viewers with insights into the historical context and struggles depicted in the movie.

Who stars in “Small Things Like These” and “The Woman in the Wall”?
Cillian Murphy stars in “Small Things Like These,” while “The Woman in the Wall” features performances from Ruth Wilson and Daryl McCormack.

How do the critical reviews compare between “Small Things Like These” and “The Woman in the Wall”?
“Small Things Like These” has slightly better critical reviews, with a score of 83% on Rotten Tomatoes. “The Woman in the Wall” has a critics’ score of 75% and an audience score of 82%.

What are some common themes between “Small Things Like These” and “The Woman in the Wall”?
Both productions explore themes of historical injustice, powerlessness against oppressive systems, and the resilience of individuals in the face of adversity. They use similar historical elements to craft their narratives.

Where can viewers watch “Small Things Like These” and “The Woman in the Wall”?
“Small Things Like These” may be available for streaming on platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu, depending on the region. “The Woman in the Wall” may be accessible through select streaming services or DVD releases.

Are there any other recommendations for viewers interested in these themes?
Viewers interested in similar themes may also enjoy watching other historical dramas or true crime documentaries that explore issues of social justice and resilience.

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