Spoilers: Marvel Revealed the Asgardian’s Family Tree Missing Links

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In Captain Marvel #22, Carol Danvers was shipped off the year 2052, which is home to the dull, tragic future from Captain Marvel: The End. There, Captain Marvel met a lot of new Marvel superheroes who were the children and girls of the Avengers and the X-Men, for example, Jerry Drew, Dani Cage, Katie Barton, and other people who are on the whole youthful grown-ups.

As Carol keeps on investigating this dull future, she inevitably meets the offspring of her kindred Avenger, Thor. For quite a while, we have realized that, in the furthest fate of the Marvel Universe, Thor has three granddaughters – the Goddesses of Thunder: Atli, Ellisiv, and Frigg Wodendottir. Each of the three characters originally showed up in 2013’s Thor: God of Thunder #8 by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic.

The three sisters hail from a time close to the furthest limit of time in the Marvel Universe, billions of years into what’s to come. There, Atli, Ellisiv, and Frigg have faced various conflicts, helping their granddad Thor battle Gorr the God Butcher and Galactus. The Goddesses of Thunder would return all through Jason Aaron’s general Thor run, showing up in different arrangement.

For example, The Mighty Thor, Thor, and King Thor. In addition, they even as of late showed up in Avengers #38, where they united with Old Man Phoenix to confront Doom the Living Planet toward the finish of time. Thor’s granddaughters are a significant piece of his future.

However there was as yet a major riddle with regards to who their folks were. The characters when presented completely developed and prepared as heroes, with no thought of how they had become. With the God of Thunder and his granddaughters, there were two ages, yet there was a missing connection in the center.

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