New trailer for Godzilla vs Kong incorporates a scene of Godzilla punching back at Kong

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New trailer for Godzilla versus Kong incorporates a scene of Godzilla punching Kong. The movie is delivering on March 31, and like all of Warner Bros.’ 2021 pictures. It will make a big appearance both in theaters and gushing on HBO Max.

The primary trailer for Godzilla versus Kong at long last gave more insights concerning the plot of the film. Uncovering that Kong is fairly aligned with mankind as they trust he’ll battle a rampaging Godzilla. The King of the Monsters is plainly situated as the reprobate in the trailer, with Kong the legend. Notwithstanding, it’s actually expected that a consistently more noteworthy adversary still can’t seem to be uncovered. In which case, Godzilla and Kong will probably have to collaborate and bring them down. All things considered, before then Godzilla and Kong will battle similarly as the film’s title guarantees. And in the new film found in this most recent trailer, it’s not as uneven as it previously showed up.

This new Godzilla vs Kong trailer is delivered in Japan. And keeping in mind that it’s to a great extent like the one WB appeared recently. There are a few scraps of new film. Most outstandingly, the trailer shows one more shot from the location of Godzilla and Kong battling on the plane carrying warships. In this shot, Godzilla lands a punch directly back at Kong, sending him taking off the boat.

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