After Jin From BTS Gave Callout Twilight Changed It?s Twitter Profile

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Twilight changes its official Twitter bio after BTS part Jin offers a new take on the youngster romance franchise. Stephenie Meyer’s vampire-driven, werewolf-containing book and film arrangement narratives the epic romance between a human secondary school understudy, Bella Swan, and her vampire classmate, Edward Cullen. Additional supernatural species enter the action as the story advances, notably including a population of werewolves that stand at chances with their vampire neighbors.

Whoever runs the Twilight Twitter account is obviously also a BTS fan, as the official @Twilight profile has been altered to mirror Jin’s interpretation of the story. The Twilight Saga’s Twitter bio now reads: “the official twitter account of that fairytale including wolves.” The new bio is clearly a joking reference to Jin’s unintentionally game-changing literary analysis, in which the artist comically re-frames the vampire romance as, basically, a story including wild canines. This is what Twilight’s new profile resembles:

For the present, the web banter between the fandoms is all in acceptable fun, and the fanfiction dream-casting is generally hypothetical. Although the Twilight film arrangement finished up in 2012 with The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn ? Part 2, Meyer says she has more books underway, so there may be future freedoms for a BTS part to enter the Twilight universe. Kim Tae-hyung (a.k.a. V) is the lone BTS part with an acting career as of now. Any film or book with a large enough audience is liable to be remade today, and the Twilight saga certainly meets that prerequisite.

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