DCEU canon concerns kept James Gunn from having Task Force X battle Superman in The Suicide Squad

Man of Steel

DCEU canon concerns kept James Gunn from having Task Force X battle Superman in The Suicide Squad. The chief has recently prodded his longing to bring the Man of Steel into his R-evaluated awesome, saying that he never got past unclear story thoughts when it came to pitting one of DC’s most prominent saints against the gathering of dark super reprobates. In the first place, however, DC had moved toward Gunn to deal with a Superman film a few times, yet he didn’t figure he would be the right fit, needing to chip away at a development to David Ayer’s 2016 film all things being equal. 

The entirety of this disarray encompassing Superman prompted Gunn nixing the possibility of Clark Kent showing up in The Suicide Squad. The chief uncovered to Script Apart that he ended up posing a lot of inquiries when attempting to make certain about the thought, including who precisely Superman is in the DCEU and whether or not his own film was in the primary progression of the establishment. At last, Gunn would not like to manage these sorts of inquiries and he likewise couldn’t avoid bringing one of his number one DC scalawags to life in the film. 

DCEU canon concerns kept James Gunn from having Task Force X battle Superman in The Suicide Squad 2

At that point, there were a ton of inquiries like, ‘Who is Superman in the DCEU? Is this film outside the DCEU?’, and I simply didn’t have any desire to manage it all that amount. 

Lamentably, that implies crowds didn’t will perceive what could’ve been a genuinely thrilling go head to head between perhaps the most impressive saints ever and Gunn’s mixed grouping of lowlifess. Fortunately, for the individuals who play computer games, they can set up as Task Force X looking to contend with Superman in the forthcoming game Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. That might be the nearest crowds get to really seeing characters like Harley Quinn and King Shark from The Suicide Squad go head to head against the imposing and startling saint

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