Jokes from Charli XCX George Daniel, her fiancé, says she’s ‘such a bitch’ when they work together since they’re ‘so close.’

Charli XCX’s approach to studio time with her fiancé, George Daniel, exemplifies a unique blend of professional rigor and personal intimacy. The “Speed Drive” singer recently shared insights into their collaborative dynamic during a cover story interview with Rolling Stone U.K., released on May 16. Charli, 31, highlighted the blend of healthy competition and mutual admiration that defines their sessions, describing it as both challenging and inspiring.

Charli revealed that their close relationship allows for a dissolution of traditional studio boundaries, fostering an environment where creativity flows unrestrained. She candidly described herself as “such a bitch in the studio with George,” a testament to the high standards and expectations they set for each other. Despite this intensity, Daniel’s approach creates space for artistic freedom, enabling both to fully embrace their creative processes.

Her forthcoming album, BRAT, set for release on June 7, underscores Charli’s enduring affinity for club electronic music. This genre, which she describes as her lifeblood, promises to be celebrated throughout the album. Charli believes that electronic music encapsulates emotional depth and visceral energy in a way that other genres do not. Her disdain for conventional pop shows or band performances, despite Daniel’s involvement with The 1975, highlights her commitment to the authenticity and emotional resonance found in club scenes.

Singles such as “360,” “Von Dutch,” “Cult Classics,” and “B2b” have already set the tone for what fans can expect from BRAT. The music video for “360,” featuring stars like Chloë Sevigny, Julia Fox, and Gabbriette Bechtel, exemplifies Charli’s talent for integrating visual art with her music, creating a multi-sensory experience that is both innovative and compelling.

In her interview, Charli discussed her collaborative relationship with Daniel further, mentioning their work on several tracks. While Daniel isn’t omnipresent on the album, his influence is evident in the ideas they’ve developed together. This partnership marks a new dynamic for Charli, who had never previously been in a romantic relationship with a collaborator. Their connection, which began in 2021 with the collaborative single “Spinning” alongside The 1975 and No Rome, has since evolved both personally and professionally. Daniel’s production work on her 2022 album Crash and the track “Hot Girl (Bodies Bodies Bodies)” for the A24 horror film further cemented their collaborative synergy.

In November, PEOPLE confirmed Charli’s engagement to Daniel, a milestone she celebrated publicly on Instagram after initially sharing the news with fans on a private account. This personal announcement added a layer of intimacy to their professional collaborations, illustrating how their relationship transcends the typical artist-producer dynamic.

Charli XCX’s career is a testament to her ability to continually innovate and push boundaries within the music industry. Her partnership with George Daniel, both in life and in music, represents a fascinating intersection of personal and professional worlds, creating something uniquely impactful. As the release of BRAT approaches, fans and industry observers alike will be eager to see how this dynamic duo continues to shape the future of electronic music.

Reflecting on their work, Charli mentioned the mutual desire to impress each other, which fuels their creative process. This competitive spirit is not about undermining each other but rather about pushing each other to new heights. Charli’s acknowledgment of being demanding in the studio highlights the seriousness with which she approaches her craft, ensuring that the music they create together meets the highest standards.

The relationship between Charli and George Daniel goes beyond mere professional collaboration. Their ability to challenge and inspire each other in the studio has led to a deeper understanding and respect, enhancing both their music and their bond. This dynamic is not just about producing hit records but also about growing together as artists and individuals.

Charli’s description of her forthcoming album as a club record aligns with her passion for electronic music. She articulates a clear preference for this genre, associating it with feelings of sadness, beauty, and stillness. This emotional connection to electronic music drives her creative vision, ensuring that her work resonates on a profound level with her audience.

The anticipation surrounding BRAT is palpable, with fans eager to experience the latest evolution of Charli XCX’s sound. The album promises to be a reflection of her artistic journey, influenced heavily by her personal and professional experiences with Daniel. This blend of innovation and emotional depth is set to define the next chapter of her career, showcasing her growth as an artist.

Charli’s engagement to George Daniel marks a significant milestone, further intertwining their personal and professional lives. Their journey together, from collaboration to engagement, highlights the unique synergy they share. This partnership, built on mutual respect and admiration, has the potential to redefine the boundaries of musical collaboration.

As Charli XCX continues to push the boundaries of her music, her relationship with George Daniel stands as a testament to the power of creative collaboration. Their work together on BRAT is not just about producing music but about exploring new artistic territories and challenging each other to reach new heights. This dynamic promises to deliver an album that is both innovative and deeply personal, reflecting the unique bond they share.

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