How Long Is the Runtime of This Is Where We Are? Exploring the 1 Hour and 17 Minutes of Drama

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Directed by Kevin Dale Brunkhardt, This Is Where We Are is a much awaited drama film that is scheduled for release in 2025. This film, which has a duration of one hour and seventeen minutes, promises to provide a powerful and captivating experience in a short amount of time. It is important to explore the implications of this duration for the film’s storytelling, pacing, and overall impact as viewers get ready for its release.

The Significance of the Runtime

This Is Where We Are, at one hour and seventeen minutes, is a little bit shorter than the typical feature film. Given that most dramas last between 90 and 120 minutes, the duration of this movie implies a well-written story. This shortness can work to the movie’s favor by keeping it laser-focused on the main ideas and character development without taking unneeded detours.

A film with a shorter running length frequently needs to tell its story succinctly. The goal of every scene, line of speech, and character interaction must be to effectively advance the plot. This strategy could increase the impact of the movie This Is Where We Are by making sure that every second matters and that the viewer is interested throughout.

Overview of the Plot and Pacing

Curtis Erland, a thirty-something former punk rocker who has withstood the bright life he once knew, is the main character of the movie. Curtis is now happy to lead a quiet life away from his neighbors’ drama. But when word of an approaching apocalyptic calamity breaks through his seclusion, Curtis is forced to face the chaos that is developing and his previous choices.

In light of this premise, the duration of the film implies a focused examination of Curtis’s journey. The story will probably center on his internal conflict and the outside forces he must contend with while he handles the fallout from the catastrophe. With a duration of one hour and seventeen minutes, there is ample opportunity to explore Curtis’s character journey and build dramatic suspense without going overboard.

Character Development

Making sure there is enough character development in a shorter runtime is one of the challenges. This Is Where We Are will have to make better use of the time it has left to develop its characters, especially Mikhail Roberts’s Curtis Erland. The movie needs to establish Curtis’s history as a punk rocker, his present state of seclusion, and his responses to the news of the end of the world.

Rapid yet significant character development will also be required for supporting cast members, such as Jan Lashly as Handle and Suziey Block as Deshka. It will be necessary to develop their relationships with Curtis and their roles in the drama as it develops in a way that advances the story of the movie and heightens the suspense.

How Long Is the Runtime of This Is Where We Are? Exploring the 1 Hour and 17 Minutes of Drama 2

Impact on Storytelling

A movie’s length has a big impact on how it tells its story. This Is Where We Are’s one hour and seventeen minute duration suggests a condensed and narrowly focused story. This can produce a strong, condensed storytelling experience in which each scene is essential to the overall story.

The movie’s pacing will be essential to keeping viewers interested. This Is Where We Are will have to find a balance between scenes that move quickly and slower, more contemplative moments because of its short running time. The film’s success will largely depend on its ability to seamlessly switch between these components while capturing the audience’s interest in Curtis’s journey.

Expectations of the Audience

The duration of the movie might have certain expectations for viewers. Viewers may expect a powerful drama that moves quickly and does not waste time on extraneous details. This may result in a more engaging moviegoing experience where each scene and word has meaning.

The one hour and seventeen minute duration of This Is Where We Are provides a succinct but effective storytelling opportunity. Directed by Kevin Dale Brunkhardt and featuring a cast led by Mikhail Roberts, the film promises to deliver a focused and engaging drama. As the release date approaches, audiences can look forward to a film that makes every minute count, offering a compelling exploration of personal struggle and societal upheaval within a compact timeframe.

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