Transforming the online fitness space for the better is an ace online trainer and coach Shane Pace.

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His online training platform, The Be Elit3, has become one of the biggest online training platforms in the world.

All our lives, we have been advised by so many so called dieticians, fitness experts and coaches what we really need to do for maintaining a great body and health. But, let’s be honest here, how many of the times their advice has worked for us? Every year, we come to know about a new diet plan or a fitness regime that suddenly becomes a trend in the world. People also blindly follow the same thinking it will give the same results to them as it did to others. However, they fail to understand that fitness training and coaching work differently for different people. Hence, it is important to go for individualized solutions in fitness that can give people their desired fitness goals. Shane Pace, from Melbourne, Australia, echoes the same opinion and says that it is essential for people to follow the right people and their training to gain real results in fitness. His individualized coaching approach today turned him into a trustworthy coach whose training with his online training platform called The Be Elit3 has given the desired results to people.

“Only following what others are doing, thinking it will give the same results as them, will not take you anywhere”, says Shane Pace, who believes that people need to first find passion in taking efforts in fitness that can take them nearer their fitness goals. Talking about how he found his passion in fitness, Shane Pace says, ” I fell in love with football when I was 12, little did I know then that my passion for the sport, where I even won many medals in leagues as the best player, would someday turn into fitness as well, where I would train like a beast and would aim to transform people’s lives for the better with my passion and knowledge”.

Today if anything, that drives Shane Pace the most, it is his quest to turn people healthier and fitter than ever. “Times have changed today and with the pandemic that has surrounded our lives so much, it has become even more important to focus on our health, lifestyle and fitness. Hence, it is essential for people to train hard and get coached with the best to transform their bodies, mindsets and lives for the better,” highlights the ace, online fitness coach.

His Instagram is growing each day and has 850K followers already, becoming one of Australia’s fastest-growing fitness pages. Want to know more? Follow him on Instagram @be_elit3.

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