How Jonathan Kurien is taking the world of fitness towards greater success

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A quick look around us will let us know how people have increasingly now turned towards the fitness space after realizing how a certain deadly virus can ruin everything all at once. This has made people more aware of what they put in their stomach, how much importance they give to fitness and how determined they are to live a healthy life. There are tons of fitness experts and coaches in the world, and the social media world has all the more expanded the fitness community with the emergence of many other fitness coaches. However, one name that has been creating a lot of noise, for all the right reasons and for the kind of momentum he has gained and the level of visible transformations he has been giving his clients through fitness is Jonathan Kurien.

Born in the United States with an Indian soul, Jonathan Kurien undoubtedly made a name for himself across the world. He had a deep desire when he was a teenager with a revelation to save the world. While growing up, he realized that it was not that realistic, but he could help people live longer. Making every day count, working out for long hours, and gaining more insights about the right diets and nutrition, has become a way of life for this passionate man with his online fitness brands that promise to take people on a healthier journey and help them get nearer their fitness goals.

“My mission is to help people become equipped with knowledge around food and strength training in order to reach their mental and physical goals while building healthy and sustainable habits. A strong mindset and discipline built through fitness can translate seamlessly into other aspects of life”, he adds.

Throughout the years he’s documented different phases of his life such as balancing lifestyle and fitness, and even through bodybuilding competition preps. He believes that being a personal trainer in the online space is not an easy job because one has to keep himself updated with the daily nutrition diets to provide them to every other specific individual according to their fitness goals. Kurien currently offers nutrition and training 1:1 online coaching for those looking for accountability and sustainable progress.

“Achieving a temporary fitness goal is great. Changing a life is greater. To be able to help these dedicated individuals find that balance and lead a better life is the ultimate reward for me”, says Jonathan Kurien

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