Framar Founder Maria Gallo Looks Back at her Journey

Maria Gallo’s success story is one of the most inspirational tales for women everywhere. In addition to her role establishing a successful business, she also held the equally important title of mother to her four young sons. Today she is associated with one of the most recognized brands in the Professional Beauty space, Framar.

For Maria, the journey actually started off as a love story when she married her hairstylist, Frank. She took a walk down the memory lane and stated, “The brand started out as a love story when my husband was doing my hair and soon, we began dating. After marrying, and having our first child, Frank went to England to take a hair coloring class; that’s where he discovered the use of foil in the hair industry. He knew this was something he wanted to implement into his salons, eliminating caps and needles. That is what inspired him and that enthusiasm that he had rubbed off on me as well.”

After a little digging and a lot of testing, Frank and Maria cofounded Framar Enterprises in 1986. With four kids, this enterprise became their fifth child making it a success story. Today more than 70 countries and growing have imported Framar products.

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