Useful Advice From Entrepreneur Millionaire Chris Choi

Chris Choi

Multi-millionaire businessman Chris Choi is a phenomenal role model for anyone wishing to live their best, most fulfilling life. With 245k followers on Instagram and a whopping 1.4 million on TikTok, Choi has been taking the time to coach others on tried-and-true methods to reach their goals and become financially successful. At only 30 years of age, Choi has accomplished more by himself than many families will accomplish in generations of hard work. How does he do it? Well, he has a few core principles that he holds with high regard for their power to create a holistically successful person.

            To start, Choi heavily recommends everyone to find mentors for all their endeavors. He explains how “finding a mentor in life is the biggest shortcut to success,” since “most people forget [to work] smart [rather than hard].” He further elaborates, giving the example of “if you want to better your health and body, you want to learn from a personal trainer who’s already living that healthy lifestyle.” Choi reasons that “it’s exactly the same thing with a business,” as you would logically “want to learn from a business owner who’s at least 10 years ahead of you.” Finding a mentor is imperative, as “mentors can give you guidance and strategies that can help you avoid making those critical mistakes that they themselves made before.” To be able to skip over the year-long setbacks that many have dealt with before you is surely a means to timely success.

            Further, Chris Choi specifically emphasizes that people should be wary of who they spend their time with. Choi explains how “you will be the average of the 5 people you spend most time with– your health, how you communicate, personality, and even your income.” As such, “being picky with your time and who you spend your time with is crucial, especially in your 20s.” At such a young age, molding yourself into a successful person is extremely important, and that starts with good time management and a well-chosen circle of friends. Surrounding oneself with lazy, unmotivated people will produce a lazy, unmotivated businessperson. However, surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who are driven, passionate, and persevering in their crafts can turn anyone into a productive, successful individual.

            Lastly, Choi advises everyone to not go broke trying to look rich. Choi has seen far “too many people live way above their means to look rich,” and end up going broke because they cannot afford the lifestyle they are pretending to have. “Instead of spending money to buy liabilities,” Choi recommends that you should “learn to buy assets that can make you money in your sleep.” Passive income is the key to financial freedom, in which money is not an obstacle for happiness and rather an always-available means to prosperity and joy.

            To see more advice on how to live financially free, follow Chris Choi on his Tik Tok or his Instagram page.

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