The conclusion of Cabinet of Curiosities Season 1, Episode 2, Graveyard Rats is explained

Allow us to attempt to clarify the finale of the second episode of Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities. We’ll also cover the remaining episodes of Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, but for now, here’s how the ending was described to Graveyard Rats. Graveyard Robber is the second episode of Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, directed by Vincenzo Natali and based on Henry Kuttner’s short story. Masson, a grave thief, eyes the riches of a wealthy newcomer to the cemetery, but in order to capture the booty, he must navigate a maze of tunnels and legions of mice. A rat bites Masson while he’s looking for a golden tooth; an unsettling premonition of what’s to come. Nonetheless, Masson appears to the shipyard to deliver over his wares… However, it is insufficient to support his bills. He’s fallen short, and part of that is due to the rats, who appear to be snatching bodies from coffins. He’s been falling short for quite some time, and it appears that the Salem rats are to blame.

How did Graveyard Rats end?

An exceedingly precious sword that the King had given as a present was what Masson, a desperate graverobber, was after when he went after Winston’s body. As Masson pursued the rats pulling the body away, he was forced to penetrate the rat’s maze of tunnels, inches from stealing his treasure. After getting lost in the tunnel, Masson encountered a huge, monstrous rat, which caused him to lose an arm, and was then pursued by it. Masson ended up in the middle of the bodies the rats had taken after escaping by plunging exceedingly deep into the tunnels. Masson was delighted to discover several jewels among the skeletons, including the precious blade he was looking for. The statue of a terrible monster, which is strikingly similar to the beast from Lot 36, caught Masson’s attention after he had finished looting. He murmured, “Black Church.” Masson then observed an intriguing corpse off to the side, wearing a priceless necklace and pendant. It awoke after plundering the corpse, though, and made an attempt to reclaim the necklace Masson had taken.

Masson was being pursued by the body as he fled down a neighbouring tunnel. He once more came face to face with the enormous rat while attempting to stop the corpse from pursuing him and became stuck between the two. The tunnel collapsed as a result of his battle with the rat, killing it and keeping the zombie body from getting to him. When Masson notices a light in the tunnel above him, he makes a vain attempt to escape. Masson, however, discovered himself locked inside Winston’s coffin and back where he had started. He is trapped and surrounded by the rats of the labyrinth, who put him to a horrible death. The two graverobbers that Masson had initially frightened off later discover Winston’s grave. They recognised him, and when they saw the diamonds on him, particularly the necklace Masson had taken, they put their speculations about how Masson had landed up in someone else’s coffin to rest. Rats emerge from his body and gather around him before the men can pillage him.

The Black Church is what?

Although nothing is known about the Black Church, Masson seemed to recognise the religion the idol represented as soon as he set eyes on the statue of an eldritch monstrosity. The corpse’s necklace, which similarly resembled the statue, was cursed and would cause its wearer to yearn for it even after death. Future episodes might feature even more of the religion as the idol resembles the monster from Lot 36.

Did Masson have everything in his head?

The night before Masson attempted to break into Winston’s grave, he had a dream in which a swarm of rats descended upon him from his collapsing roof. He also thought about Hans putting him six feet under, which made him run for the rats in a frenzied manner. For a brief minute at the conclusion, we were led to believe that Masson had suffered a heart attack after becoming stuck within Winston’s casket. However, the graverobbers saw the hordes of rats that surrounded Masson’s body.

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