The Boys’ Jensen Ackles is ready to don his Soldier Boy attire again

The Boys as Soldier Boy again is actor Jensen Ackles’ Christmas fantasy, he has said.

An exclusive behind-the-scenes documentary about Solider Boy, played by Ackles in the superhero drama on Prime Video, was made available. The actor uploaded the footage to his own Instagram account but added these words: “I adore these people. eager to put the costume back on. My Christmas wish is that.” Ackles’ return to the show hasn’t been announced or confirmed as of this writing, but the message seems to offer fans optimism that he will return at some point.

During the show’s third season, Ackles’ Soldier Boy played a pivotal role, acting as both an ally and a rival for The Boys. Accidentally releasing Soldier Boy from a Russian prison, the organization sends him back to America on a mission to assassinate his former friends, the “Payback” superhero team. Even though Soldier Boy succeeds in his goal, he is ultimately apprehended by The Boys’ CIA partner, Grace Mallory, and put back into stasis at the end of the season (Laila Robins).

The Boys Have the Possibility to Facilitate a Supernatural Reunion

Ackles stated on Michael Rosenbaum’s Inside of You podcast before Season 3 even started that “the door is not closed” for Soldier Boy should the program decide to employ him in the future. Ackles’ first significant job after the conclusion of The CW’s Supernatural, in which he played Dean Winchester for a total of 15 seasons, was Soldier Boy. Ackles is not confirmed for The Boys Season 4, but several Supernatural stars are, notably Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who played Negan on AMC’s The Walking Dead for several seasons and previously played Dean’s father on Supernatural.

Rob Benedict, who plays God/Chuck on Supernatural, and Morgan have both joined The Boys in an unnamed position. The Boys is produced by none other than Supernatural creator Eric Kripke, who also serves as a showrunner for many actors that occasionally appear on Supernatural. It is unclear whether Kripke intends to give Supernatural viewers a Morgan and Ackles reunion in The Boys Season 4.

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