Josh Brolin shares about losing the Batman role to Ben Affleck

American actor Josh James Brolin reveals how he has lost his role as Batman in Zack Synder’s Batman vs Superman and Justice League to Ben Affleck. Brolin has appeared in several MCU movies, he is best known for his role as Marvel Comics supervillain Thanos. He portrays the character through motion-capture performance, as well as voice acting. The character appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) before reprising his role in Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers Endgame (2019).

Knowing his background in the superhero movies, the filmmakers wanted him to play the role of Batman in ‘Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’ before things got a little differently. Recently, in the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Brolin that he was interested in doing the movie because of the challenges it demanded but Zack Synder decided to go differently with the Batman character. He said, “That was his decision, that wasn’t my decision”. “That was interesting to me, again, because something that is set up to not work at all, or to work flyingly — I like those odds. I like playing with those odds. I’m like, ‘Am I the guy who’s gonna make it all fail?‘” Brolin said.

Ultimately, Ben Affleck was cast as Batman, who has since played the character on several Worlds of DC projects, including in the upcoming movie ‘Batman in the Flash’, which is going to be his last appearance as Batman. Brolin also mentioned that there is no resentment in his heart for Affleck. He mentioned, “I didn’t think [he] was bad, but you talk to Clooney and he’s still talking about it – and it wasn’t his fault,” he said. Even after losing the part, Brolin still wishes to play the Batman role, “That was before Deadpool 2 it would have been the older, more raspy [version] for lack of a better word, honestly, that would’ve been a fun deal, maybe I’ll do it when I’m 80,” he added. “I’m really glad it didn’t happen. I haven’t thought twice about it,” he mentioned at the time, as per The Hollywood Reporter.

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