Glee’s Kevin McHale Reveals Surprising Way He Learned Lea Michele & Cory Monteith Were Dating IRL

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In the annals of Hollywood gossip, there are moments that become legendary, sparking rumors and speculation that capture the imaginations of fans worldwide. For Glee alum Kevin McHale, one such moment involved inadvertently becoming a catalyst for a real-life romance between his co-stars Lea Michele and Cory Monteith.

During a recent episode of his podcast “And That’s What You REALLY Missed,” Kevin McHale shared some fascinating behind-the-scenes details about a now-iconic photo that sent shockwaves through the Glee fandom. The photo in question featured Lea Michele and Cory Monteith looking particularly cozy on the set of the hit show, sparking widespread speculation about the nature of their relationship.

As Kevin revealed, the photo was not a spontaneous capture but a carefully orchestrated moment designed to generate buzz and boost viewership of the show. “I was like, ‘I’m sitting across the room, what if I pretend to take a picture of Jenna? And in the background, the very edge of frame are Cory and Lea being a little extra snuggly,'” he explained.

In a stroke of genius, Kevin hatched a plan to post the staged photo on social media, allowing fans to speculate about the nature of Lea and Cory’s relationship. “I said, ‘I’ll put it up and wait a little bit, for people to notice and then I’ll delete it, like I did something wrong,'” he recalled.

With Lea’s consent, the staged photo was captured and shared on social media platforms, setting off a frenzy of speculation among fans. Kevin monitored the responses closely, deleting the photo at the first mention of Lea and Cory’s cozy embrace, effectively fanning the flames of romance rumors.

Looking back on the incident, Kevin reflected on the impact it had on the show’s popularity and the enduring legacy of Lea and Cory’s real-life relationship. “Get rumors started that Cory and Lea are dating, and then people will watch the show and then we’ll get to make more seasons of it,” he mused.

Indeed, the photo played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of Glee, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the on-screen drama. And while Lea and Cory’s romance sadly came to a tragic end with Cory’s untimely passing, the memory of their love story lives on in the hearts of fans around the world.

In the world of Hollywood, truth is often stranger than fiction, and Kevin McHale’s revelation offers a fascinating glimpse into the power of celebrity gossip and the enduring allure of on-screen romances-turned-real-life love stories.

Rick Kern / Contributor & Mark Sullivan / Contributor (Getty Images)
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