Fans Get What They Want from ‘Jurassic World Dominion’ Extended Version: More Smoldering Grant, Alan

I have no idea what the reviewers had in mind when they went to watch Jurassic World Dominion earlier this summer. The criticism this picture received—the sixth in a series of progressively ridiculous dinosaur action/adventure movies—was wholly out of proportion to the crimes it committed. These atrocities, I may add, pale in contrast to those done by the self-important Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (or Jurassic Basement: Fallen Mansion). The Lost World: Jurassic Park’s segments are set in San Diego, as well as the rambling Jurassic Park III.

I personally did not anticipate Dominion to even come close to matching the brilliance of 1993’s Jurassic Park because none of the movies that came before it managed to do so (despite attempting to do so by bringing back the original cast). I went into Jurassic World Dominion with just one need to be satisfied: I simply needed to see as much of Sam Neill as Alan Grant as is humanly possible. I didn’t go into this dino blockbuster movie expecting a coherent film with the level of fully-realized characters, significant themes, and innovative action that we saw nearly 30 years ago.

By that standard, which is really the only one that matters in terms of this entertaining but frustrating franchise, Jurassic World Dominion is deemed to be brand-new. And people, the just released Jurassic World Dominion extended edition earns a 102% Fresh rating on the Grantometer because to two more extended sequences in which Sam Neill reprises his role as a cynical yet valiant palaeontologist.

This information is just what I need right now since I’m always up for more Alan Grant media in my life. Because Sam Neill is my favourite actor, Alan Grant is one of my favourite fictional characters, and he was my very first celebrity love, am I predisposed to dislike Jurassic World Dominion? Do I really want to relive the nearly three hours of dino mayhem simply because I enjoy Sam Neill in everything he does? Given that I provided hyperlinks to thousands of words that serve as evidence of my respect for the man, I have a feeling that you already know the answers to all of those questions.My safe haven is Sam Neill content, and the longer cut expands that haven a little (but still cozy).

If there are any other Sam Neill fans out there, the two scenes in question are an extended version of Alan and Ellie’s reunion in Utah (I feel like I’m too old and tired to actively ship anything, but, swoon) and a sweet little scene at the beginning of the amber mine sequence that both references Sam Neill’s character arc from the first Jurassic Park and advances Alan’s arc in this movie. It also has this image, which

I adore this man, Lord. The burning! I’ve chosen to recommend Jurassic World Dominion: Extended Version on Peacock after giving it some thought.

Although “your mileage may vary” in reference to the unexpectedly negative critical reception to this movie, in my opinion Dominion is an exhilarating, action-packed comedy with plenty of laughs (oh my goodness, Alan ordering coffee at a tech company!). Of course, it helps to walk into the movie with a crush on Sam Neill that has matured into a real regard for his craft and adoration of his gentle and pleasant public character over the course of nearly 30 years. His wine is also excellent! Yes, with a bottle of Two Paddocks, that is how I rang in the year 2022.Although I highly recommend viewing the Jurassic World Dominion version that comes with decades of Sam Neill devotion, the longer version is fantastic.

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