Black Adam’s worldwide box office surpasses $139.3 million

Although recent months have been relatively quiet at the box office, Black Adam has ignited a revitalization of the movie-going experience, especially abroad. This past weekend, 21,207 cinemas in 76 foreign regions saw an additional $39 million in revenue for the DC superhero movie starring Dwayne Johnson. Due to this, the global total has increased to $250.3 million from $139.3 million in the international market.

Many such figures show a hold-over decline of only 45%. The movie did well in holdout markets like France, where it only dropped an absurd 16%, Belgium, where it dropped 25%, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, where it dropped 26% each, and Holland, where it dropped 27%. Black Adam also kept the top spot at the box office in 59 markets, including Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, France, Germany, Spain, the UK, and Taiwan. Additionally, the movie earned $4.4 million at Global IMAX showings, bringing the format’s overall foreign earnings to $8.2 million. If that weren’t enough, Black Adam is currently outperforming other DC movies like Shazam, the anti-competition, hero’s which went on to gross over $400 million at international box offices.

Black Adam is such a wonderful movie that it was made for the big screen, which explains its ongoing box office supremacy. Johnson has finally discovered an iconic figure to call his own, and the production value, action, and costumes are all excellent. The movie was the ideal popcorn movie for the whole family and included The Justice Society of America’s joyful debut. Not to be overlooked is the fact that the cast of this movie has excellent diversity. It matters what characters like Hawkman and Cyclone represent to a diverse global population. They are wonderful additions to the DCEU.

Despite the fact that Black Adam has received mixed reviews from critics, its great escapist experience has been a hit with viewers, as evidenced by the movie’s box office success. The diverse cast of Black Adam’s characters, the eye-catching action, and the movie’s message about blind hero worship and the limitations of the concept of justice all contribute to the suspense of the picture.

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