Withdrawing Secrets: The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2, Episode 6 Recap & Review Uncovers Truths

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Izzy opens The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 episode 6 by discovering Mickey unconscious and bleeding on the ground in the parking lot. As soon as she dials 911 for assistance, Mickey is taken by ambulance to the hospital.

He also has a wounded liver, broken arm, and four broken ribs. Fortunately, he exits the woods quickly, and when he wakes up, Maggie and Hayley are by his side.

Izzy has been present when she initially brought him and is also present now. They are all relieved that he made it. Izzy stays put while Maggie excuses herself to take care of Hayley. She admits that the only reason she was able to confront him was because he wasn’t returning calls, and she had already marked all the Lincolns prior to the incident.

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Izzy is concerned about Mickey’s painkillers. Mickey acknowledges his fear of relapsing and makes a commitment to approach his doctor to remove him from the medication. Izzy tells him to adhere to the physician’s recommendations. Izzy is also concerned because someone paid Ray, her girlfriend, to take the contract for Lisa’s life rights from the car. The only person who had access to the vehicle was her.

It appears that Ray took advantage of her and gave Henry the contract. Izzy told her to leave after learning the truth. Despite Mickey’s assurances that she is not to blame, Izzy is nevertheless deeply troubled by guilt. She is urged to keep the cash Ray handed her.Soon after, Cisco stops by the hospital to check on Mickey and give him an update.

He tells Mickey that until he is fully recovered, Tony Walsh will handle some of his cases. They are joined by Lorna, who gives Mickey his favourite meal. They both apologise to one another for their words from that memorable evening. Alex Grant is still out of reach for Cisco, but Lorna has a scheme to tempt him. Mickey has a strong suspicion that Alex Grant dispatched his men to pursue him in order to warn him to back off.

They discover Grant’s weaknesses thanks to Lorna; it turns out he is an art collector who is looking for a valuable work of art by his beloved artist. Nobody is aware of the whereabouts of the original piece, but the Lincolns will still use it as a lure to capture him. Sam, an old client who owes Lorna and Cisco money, is contacted by Cisco. If he cooperates with their most recent scheme, they’ll pay his tab in full. Sam is enlisted to help them create a website announcing the sale of the item Grant has been seeking.

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