Upcoming movie : Skincare (2024): Story, plot and cast


Release Date: August 16, 2024

Rating: R

Runtime: 1h 37m

Popularity: High

Director: Austin Peters

Executive Producers: Andrea Iervolino, Monika Bacardi, Danielle Maloni, Sam Freilich

Music Director: Fatima Al Qadiri

Producers: Logan Lerman, Jonathan Schwartz

Production Company: Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment SpA

Writers: Sam Freilich, Austin Peters, Deering Regan

Upcoming movie : Skincare (2024): Story, plot and cast 3


“Skincare” follows the journey of Hope Goldman, a successful aesthetician whose business faces sabotage from a cunning rival. With the help of her friend Jordan, she delves into a mystery filled with betrayal and competition to save her reputation and career. This gripping drama showcases the high-stakes world of beauty and the lengths people will go to succeed.


Elizabeth Banks plays renowned aesthetician Hope Goldman, who is about to launch her own skincare line. This is a dream she has been pursuing for a long time. Her creative treatments and devoted clientele have made her thriving business well-known. But as she gets ready for the big debut, a brand-new rival named Angel Vergara (Lewis Pullman) opens a storefront right next door. Recognized for his assertive commercial strategies, Angel is keen to usurp Hope’s prominence and customer base.

Unusual occurrences start to happen, endangering Hope’s good name and the prosperity of her new product line. Her supplies are tampered with, customers are seduced by deceptive promises, and a barrage of negative online reviews appears. Hoping to safeguard both her company and her aspirations, Hope enlists the aid of her tech-savvy friend Jordan (Nathan Fillion). They set out on a journey together to discover the real reason for the sabotage.

They discover a complicated web of rivalry and deceit as they delve deeper. They learn that Angel has a network of conspirators, including some of Hope’s reliable staff members, and that he is not operating alone. Hope’s relationships are put to the test, and she is forced to face her own fears in addition to having her resilience put to the test.

In a gripping finale, Hope and Jordan amass sufficient proof to reveal Angel’s plots, setting up a dramatic showdown. Hope succeeds in establishing her reputation and securing her position in the skincare industry by using tenacity and astute tactics. As Hope’s new skincare line is successfully launched, signifying her victory over adversity, the film closes on a positive note.


Elizabeth Banks as Hope Goldman

Nathan Fillion as Jordan

Lewis Pullman as Angel Vergara

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