Seth Rollins expressed his desire to break the big record of the famous WWE Superstar

One of WWE’s top young performers, Nathan Fraser is presently a member of NXT. Before joining WWE, Nathan Fraser attended Seth Rollins’ Black & Brave Wrestling Academy. Recent tweets from him include a gif of him sprinting between the ropes during a match at NXT LVL Up. Seth Rollins, a wrestler, stated that he wanted to run as quickly as Nathan Fraser to shatter his record for running a rope.

Seth Rollins, a superstar for the WWE, recently said that he would love to beat Nathan Frazer’s record for the longest rope run. Currently a member of NXT, Nathan Fraser is one of the top young talents in the WWE. Let us tell you that Nathan Fraser played a key role in the finest Spring Break matchup between Grayson Waller and himself.

Before joining WWE, Nathan Fraser attended Seth Rollins’ Black & Brave Wrestling Academy.

Nathan Fraser holds the record for rope running at the Black & Brave Wrestling Academy. A gif of Nathan Fraser running between the ropes during a match at NXT LVL Up was recently retweeted by Fraser. Which Seth Rollins responded –

Your record for the fastest rope run in Black & Brave must be broken, I must attempt.

It will be interesting to see whether Seth Rollins can break his rope running record by running as fast as Nathan Fraser between the ropes.

Fans react to WWE Superstar Seth Rollins’ tweet

After Seth Rollins expressed his desire to break Nathan Fraser’s rope running record, a variety of reactions started pouring in from the fans and some fans are confident that Seth Rollins will be able to break this record.

You can break this record. You are the best, you can do anything.

Can you make a video of this thing?

I think it’s time to say, you are the best wrestler in the world.

Big Bro Fraser vs Big Bro Rollins match, please.

WWE Superstar Seth Rollins is set to face Riddle at the Clash at the Castle event in Cardiff, Wales on September 3 and it will be interesting to see if Seth manages to win the match.

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