Mosque sheltering 80 civilians attacked in Mariupol

Ukraine authorities recently confirmed that Russian forces have attacked a Mosque in Mariupol housing 80 civilians. Thousands are stranded with no excess food and water in the southeastern city of Mariupol in Ukraine. Ukraine’s foreign ministry in a tweet said ” the mosque had 80 adults and children hiding and including citizens from turkey”.

The Ukrainian embassy in Turkey asked for information from the Mariupol mayor, who said that 86 nationals from Turkey including 34 children are taking shelter in the mosque against the Russian attack in the port city of Mariupol. “There are really big communication problems in Mariupol and there is no opportunity to reach them” a news agency AFP quoted the spokesperson.

Turkey’s foreign minister on Friday said that they have evacuated nearly 14,000 citizens of turkey from Ukraine. The city was surrounded by a news agency Tass quoted “The Russian Defense Ministry “. Over 1,500 have been killed so far claimed, the Ukrainian government has repeatedly accused the Russians of attacking the civilians. There was an attack on the hospital earlier this week killing 3 people and some horrific vision of a pregnant lady being carried on a stretcher to safety.

The constant attempt of establishing a ceasefire has failed in Mariupol and other cities to let civilians leave safely. Its been three weeks since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and there is no sign of any de-escalation even after the sanctions imposed on Russia from the West and the European Union.

The financial sanctions are also imposed against key Russian lawmakers, billionaires (including Chelsea club owner Roman Abramovich), banks, and industries. Including Tech giants such as Netflix, Google pay, Apple, MacDonald’s which has caused panic among the locals about the uncertainty of their future. this sanction has made Russia the country with the most sanction surpassing Iran.

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