Important facts related to WWE Universal Championship

The WWE Universal Championship is one of the company’s biggest titles at the moment.
This World Championship was brought in after the brand split in 2016.
The Universal Championship was previously part of the Raw brand, but the titles from both brands were replaced after a few years.
Right now the Universal Championship is with Roman Reigns and before this many superstars have captured the championship.
It has been more than 6 years since this championship came to WWE and there are many things related to it that fans should know.

Updates on Finn Balor and Brock Lesnar

Finn Balor was the first Universal Champion of the WWE
WWE decided in 2016 to introduce the Universal Championship as the Raw brand’s world title.
SummerSlam 2016 saw a tremendous match between Finn Balor and Seth Rollins for the Universal Championship.
Balor won here and became the first Universal Champion in WWE history.

Brock Lesnar has become the Universal Champion for the most times Brock Lesnar has become Universal Champion three times in his WWE career.
He has captured this title the most times in WWE history.
Let us tell you that Lesnar won the Universal Championship for the first time by defeating Goldberg at WrestleMania 33. He then defeated Braun Strowman at Crown Jewel 2018 to capture the vacant Universal Title.
After becoming champion twice, he lost the title at WrestleMania 35.
However, at Extreme Rules 2019, he captured the Universal Championship for the third time by cashing in a Money in the Bank contract.
No one has been able to match him yet.

Finn Balor and Roman Reigns

Finn Balor is the longest-reigning Universal Champion
Finn Balor was WWE’s first Universal Champion, but his title run was short.
Finn Balor’s title run lasted just one day.
It was a bad thing for Finn Balor as he could never become the Universal Champion again.

Roman Reigns has been the longest Universal Champion Roman Reigns’ first Universal Title run was short but his second run was tremendous.
He has been more than 731 days as Universal Champion.
He is going to keep the title with him for several more days.
Earlier this record was in the name of Brock Lesnar and he was the champion for 504 days.
Roman Reigns changed his character after the heel turn.
He has defeated many legends including John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Edge, and Daniel Bryan during his championship run.

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