Has Hannah Berner’s “We Ride at Dawn” received any reviews yet?


Released on July 9, 2024, Hannah Berner’s stand-up special “We Ride at Dawn” has generated a lot of buzz in the comedy community and a variety of reactions from both audiences and critics. Berner’s entry into stand-up comedy has drawn both praise and criticism, illustrating the mixed reactions to her debut special. Berner is well-known for her honest and frequently provocative humor.

Critical Reception

Positive Reviews:

Berner’s honesty and vulnerability, which come through in her writing, have won her praise from critics. While Berner is not exactly breaking new ground in comedy, Decider’s Sean L. McCarthy noted that her novel viewpoint may encourage other well-known comics to consider pursuing their careers. “She might just be the spark that her younger fans need to seek out other more established voices in comedy,” he observed. And if she continues, she might be able to build on this strong debut.”

Berner’s transparency is one of her strongest points, as noted by Daniel Hart of Ready Steady Cut, who said, “I wish she used that more in this stand-up.” Hart recognized that she was able to establish a personal connection with the audience, which is frequently a difficult task for many comedians.

Mixed and Negative Reviews:

Not every review, though, was positive. The content was deemed somewhat predictable by some critics. Ready Steady Cut’s Daniel Hart gave the special a 2.5 out of 5, saying that Berner should have gone more in-depth with her themes. Although her vulnerability was a strength, he pointed out that it was not fully utilized in the special.

This gap was reflected in the audience’s response as well. Although some viewers appreciated Berner’s humor and the content’s relatability, others thought the jokes were cliched and unoriginal. One particularly critical reviewer, Mary S., gave it a score of one out of five stars and said, “These jokes are all recycled.” In interviews, her wit and creativity really come through. This was really, really disappointing.”

Audience Reception

Reviews from the audience were very different, indicating a wide range of perspectives on “We Ride at Dawn.” One viewer rated the special a flawless five stars, calling it his favorite new comedy special of the year. Keith W. He enjoyed the special immensely and valued Berner’s style.

However, not everyone who watched was as shocked. “I went in thinking it would be fun, but it was really painful and made me cringe,” commented Esteph M., who rated the special with 0.5 stars. Stacey N., who rated it a 1 out of 5 stars and said, “It was really awful and did not make sense,” shared this opinion as well. Surely they had to include a little humor as well?

Hannah Berner’s “We Ride at Dawn” has undoubtedly sparked debate and attention, both positively and negatively. Both audiences and critics have recognized her potential and unique voice in the comedy genre. While some find her material refreshing and relatable, others feel she has room to grow and evolve as a comedian.

“We Ride at Dawn,” like many debut performances, has established the foundation for Berner’s comedic future. Her ability to connect with younger audiences and her willingness to tackle personal and often risqué topics are strengths that, if further developed, could lead to even greater success. For now, her special stands as a testament to her bold entrance into the stand-up comedy scene, with all its triumphs and trials.

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